Part 124 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 6630K 2022-07-20


BUGIL, BUGILL, _s_ A buglehorn


Q _buculae cornu_, the horn of a young cow; or from Teut

_boghel_, Gerel_, curvatura

BUICK, _pret_ Court'sied; from the v _Beck_


_To_ BUIGE, _v n_ To bow, to creenge

_Maitland Poems_

A S _bug-an_, to bend

BUIK, _s_ The body

V ~Bouk~

BUIK, BUKE, _pret_ Baked


A S _boc_, coxit, from _bac-an_

BUIK, BUK, BUKE, _s_ A book, S


Ger _boek_, A S _boc_, Moes G

Isl Su G _bok_, id It has been generally supposed, that the Northern nations give this name to a book, fro a beech-tree

~Buik-lare~, _s_ Learning, the knowledge acquired by ular education, S

~Buik-lear'd~, ~Book-lear'd~, _adj_ Book-learned, S

_A Nicol_

Isl _boklaerd-ur_, id