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An Etye Read Online
Part 398 (1/2)
Teut _hand-haven_, to possess
~Handy-grips~, _s pl_ Close grappling, S
~Handsel~, _s_
1 The first oods, S
2 A gift conferred at a particular season, S
3 A piece of bread given before breakfast, Galloway
Su G _handsoel_, mercimonii divenditi primitiae
~Handsel monday~, The first Monday of the New Year, O S; when children and servants receive _handsel_, S
_Statist Acc_
1 The upper part of a flail, S
2 A constellation, supposed to be Orion's sword
HAND-WAIL'D, _adj_ Remarkable; carefully selected, S
From _hand_, and _wale_ to choose
HANDWAVING, _s_ Ait with the hand, S B
_Statist Acc_
1 A standard, corr from _ensenyie_
_Hist Ja sext_