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An Etye Read Online
Part 429 (1/2)
Fr _hostelier_, id
~Hostillar~, ~Hostillarie~, s An inn
Fr _hostelerie_, id
_Acts Ja I_
_To_ HOTCH, _v n_ To move the body by sudden jerks, S
Teut _huts-en_, Belg _hots-en_, Fr _hoch-er_, to jog
HOTCH-POTCH, _s_ A dish of broth, ether with green peas, carrots, turnips, and sometimes parsley or celery, served up with the meat in it, S
Teut _huts-pot_, Fr _hochepot_
_To_ HOTTER, _v a_ To crowd together; expressive of individual motion, S O
Teut _hott-en_, coalescere
_J Nicol_
HOU, _s_ A roof-tree
V ~How~, _s_ 4
_To_ HOUD, _v n_
1 To wriggle, S
2 To move by succussation, Loth
~Houd~, _s_ The act of wriggling, S B
_To_ HOVE, HOW, HUFE, HUFF, _v n_
1 To lodge