Part 460 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 6260K 2022-07-20

KELL, _s_

1 A dress for a woman's head


2 The hinder part of a woman's cap, the _caul_, S

Belg _kovel_, a coif

KELLACH, KELLACHY, _s_ A s shafts, Ang

_Statist Acc_

Isl Su G _kaelke_, a dray or sledge


1 The spirit of the waters, who, as is vulgarly believed, gives previous intimation of the destruction of those who perish within his jurisdiction, by preternatural lights and noises, and even assists in drowning them, S

_Minstrelsy Border_

Alem _chalp_, Germ _kalb_, a calf?

2 A raw-boned youth

_Gl shi+rr_

KELT, _s_ Cloth with the nap, generally of native black wool, S used both as a _s_ and _adj_

_Gl shi+rr_

_Leg St Androis_

Isl _kult_, tapestry, or any raised work

KELT, _s_ A sal, a foul fish, S

_Statist Acc_

Belg _kuytvisch_ id _kuyt_, Teut _kiete_, spawn

_To_ KELTER, _v n_ Tomanner, S