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An Etye Read Online
Part 539 (1/2)
_To_ MELVIE, _v a_ To soil with meal, S
Isl _es
~Melvie~, _adj_ Soiled with meal, S B
_Gl shi+rr_
L _marlionis_, merlins
_To_ MEMER, _v n_ To recollect one's self
_Sir Gawan_
A S _mymer-ian_, reminisci
MEMERKYN, MYNMERKIN, _s_ A contemptuous term, expressive of smallness of size
MEMMIT, _part pa_ Allied
_Bannatyne P_
Teut _moeme_, _memme_, matertera, neptis
MENARE, _s_ A mediatrix, q _moyaner_, q v
MENDS, _s_
1 Atonement
_Abp Hamiltoun_
2 Amelioration of conduct