Part 569 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 4250K 2022-07-20

NAKIT, _pret v_ Stripped

_Pal Hon_

NAM, am not, q _ne am_ Chaucer, _n'am_

_Sir Tristrem_

NAMEKOUTH, _adj_ Famous


A S _namcutha_, nomine notus

NANE, _adj_ No, none, S


A S _nan_, id

NANES, NANYS, _s_ For the nanys, on purpose

Su G _naenn-a_, to prevail with one's self to do a thing

NAPPIE, _adj_ Brittle

_J Nicol_

Q what _knaps_, or is easily broken

NAR, _conj_ Nor


NAR, were not

_Sir Tristrem_

NAR, _adj_ Nigher

_Poems 16th Cent_