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An Etye Read Online
Part 602 (1/2)
Fr _paille_, id
_Sir Gawan_
1 A square inclosure made with stakes, Aberd
V ~Paffle~
2 Any small house, ibid
_To_ PAN, _v n_ To correspond, to tally, to unite; A Bor id fro with the wall
_Maitland P_
PAN, _s_ A hard impenetrable crust below the soil, S; _till_, _ratchel_, synon
_Statist Acc_
Teut _panne_, calva, q the skull of the soil
PANASH, _s_ A plume worn in the hat
Fr _panache_, id
_To_ PANCE, PANSE, PENSE, _v n_ To meditate
O Fr _pans-er_, id
PAND, _s_ A pledge, Belg Synon _wad_
_To_ PANDER, _v n_ Corr from ~Pawmer~, _v_ Perths
PANDOOR, _s_ A large oyster, caught at the _doors_ of the _salt-pans_, S
_Statist Acc_