Part 620 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 4680K 2022-07-20

_Mellvill's MS_

PINCH, PUNCH, _s_ An iron lever, S

Fland _pinsse_, Fr _pince_, id

_To_ PYNE, _v a_ To subject to pain, S

Isl _pyn-a_, A S _pinan_, torquere


~Pyne~, _s_

1 Pain, S


2 Labour, pains


A S _pin_, Teut _pyne_, cruciatus

PYNE DOUBLET, a concealed coat of mail

Su G _pin-a_, coarctare


PINERIS, PYNORIS, _s pl_ Pioneers



V ~Peenge~


1 _v n_ To strive, to labour assiduously without ress, S


2 To vie with