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An Etye Read Online
Part 624 (1/2)
1 The pavement, S
2 The exchange, as being paved, S
_To_ PLAINT, PLENT, _v n_ To complain of, S
PLAYOKIS, _s pl_ Playthings, S O
PLAITINGS, _s pl_ Pieces of iron which go below the plough-share
PLANE, _adj_ Full, consisting of its different constituent branches; applied to parliament
_Acts Ja II_
Fr _plane_, _pleine court_, id
PLANE-TREE, _s_ The maple, S
_To_ PLASH, _v n_
1 Towater, S
_Pleesk_, S B
2 To splash, S
3 Applied to any thing, which, frohly drenched, eitation of water, S
Su G _plask-a_, aquam cum sonitu movere