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An Etye Read Online
Part 775 (1/2)
_Pal Hon_
_To_ ~Slidder~, _v a_ To pronounce indistinctly, S
Teut _slidder-en_, celeriter tendere; Isl _slodr-ar_, balbutio
~Sliddery~, ~Sliddry~, ~Slederie~, _adj_
1 Slippery, S
2 Escaping one's grasp, S
_Abp Hamiltoun_
3 Deceitful, S
~Slidernes~, _s_ Slipperiness
SLIDDER, _adj_ Slow, inactive
_Maitland P_
Isl _slidra_, torpor; _slidrulegr_, tardus, lentus
SLIDDERY, _adj_ (pron _slithry_) Loose and flaccid; a term applied to food, S B
Teut _slodder-en_, flaccescere; _slodder_, laxus
_To_ SLIDE, _v n_ To fib, S
SLIEVE-FISH, _s_ The cuttle-fish Loth
_To_ SLIGHT, _v a_ To dismantle
Teut _slicht-en_, solo aequare, diruere