Part 799 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 5610K 2022-07-20

_To_ SOUTT, _v n_ To sob, S B

Teut _sucht-en_, suspirare, gemere

SOW, _s_ Athose ere employed to undermine walls


Isl _graf-suin_, q the _digging sow_, asunder the wall

SOW, HAY-SOW, _s_ A large stack of hay erected in an oblong form, S

pron _soo_

_L Hailes_

Teut _soeuw_, gleba qua agger conficitur

_To_ ~Sow~, ~Soo~, _v a_ To stack, S

SOW, _s_

1 One who makes a very dirty appearance, S B

Teut _souwe_, a common shore

2 Any thing in a state of disorder, S B

_To_ SOW, _v a_ To pierce, to gall


_To_ ~Sow~, _v n_ To s pain, S


Sid-a_, Dan _swi-e_, to smart

~Sowing~, _s_ The act, or effect, of piercing or galling, S _sooin_; tingling pain


SOW-BACK, _s_ A head-dress worn by old wo probably denominated from its curved shape