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An Etye Read Online
Part 868 (1/2)
_To_ TEEN, _v a_ To provoke
V ~Teyne~
TEENGE, _s_ A colic in horses, S perh froe_
TEES, _s pl_ Perh cords
_Sir Egeir_
TEES, _s pl_ Apparently for _taes_, toes
_Leg St Androis_
TEESIE, _s_ A gust of passion, Fife
Teut _tees-en_, vellicare
_To_ TEET, _v n_ To peer
V ~Tete~
~Teet-bo~, _s_
V under ~Tete~
_To_ TEETH, _v a_ To indent a ith lime on the outside, S
_Stat Acc_
TEETHY, _adj_ Crabbed, ill-natured, S
Q to shew the _teeth_
TEEWHOAP, _s_ The lapwing, Orkn
TEHEE, _s_
1 A loud laugh, S
2 _interj_ Expressive of loud mirth