Part 875 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 6700K 2022-07-20

_To_ THEIK, THEK, _v a_

1 To give a roof, of whatever kind, S


2 To cover with straw, &c to thatch, S

A S _thecc-an_, Alem _thek-en_, Isl _thaeck-a_, id

THEIVIL, THIVEL, _s_ A stick for stirring a pot; as, in e, broth, &c S B _thivel_, Ayrs Fife, A Bor _theil_


A S _thyfel_, stirps, a stem or stalk


1 A serf, one attached to the soil


2 The right of holding servants in such a state of bondage, that their children and goods ht be sold


A S _tea; or from Isl _thi-a_, in servitutem reducere

THEN, _conj_ Than, S

THERE-BEN, _adv_

V ~Thairben~


1 The ropes or traces, by which horses draw in a carriage, plow or harrow, S


2 _To be quite out of thetes_, to be quite disorderly in one's conduct, S


Isl _thatt-r_, a thread, cord, or small rope

THEW, _s_ Custom, manner, quality