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An Etye Read Online
Part 901 (1/2)
TRAIK, _s_
1 A plague, a mischief
2 The flesh of sheep that have died of disease or by accident, S
_Pennecuik, N_
_To_ TRAIK, _v n_ To be in a declining state of health
Su G _trak-a_, curedi
TRAILSYDE, _adj_ So long as to _trail_ on the ground
V ~Side~
_To_ TRAYN, _v a_ To draw, to entice
Fr _train-er_, to draw
~Train~, _s_ A rope used for _drawing_, Orkn
_Stat Acc_
1 To trust
2 _v n_ To pledge faith, by entering into a truce
_Gawan and Gol_
Isl _treist-a_, Su G _traest-a_, confidere
~Traist~, ~Trest~, _s_ Trust, faith