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An Etye Read Online
Part 917 (1/2)
VAGEIT, _part pa_ Mercenary, waged
VAGER, VAGEOURE, _s_ A mercenary soldier
V ~Wageour~
_To_ VAIG, _v n_
1 To wander, to roait_, pret
_Complaynt S_
2 Metaph applied to discourse
_Mellvill's MS_
Isl _vag-a_, _vakk-a_, vagor; Lat _vagari_
~Vaiger~, _s_ A stroller
_To_ VAIK, VAICK, WAKE, _v n_ To be vacant, to be unoccupied
Fr _vaqu-er_, Lat _vac-are_
_To_ VAIL, VALE, _v n_ To make obeisance, to bow
_Priests Peblis_
Fr _veill-er_, to watch, studiously to attend
VAILYE QUOD VAILYE, at all adventures, be the issue as it will
Fr _vaille que vaille_, Lat _valeat quantum valere potest_
_To_ VAKE, _v n_ To watch, to observe