Part 919 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 5360K 2022-07-20

VEES, _s_ Some kind of disease


Teut _vaese_, deliriuestus

VEYLE, _adv_ Well


VEIR, VER, WERE, WAIR, VOR, _s_ The spring; _wair_, S A


Isl _vor_, Su G _waar_, Lat _ver_, Gr ea?, Gael _earrach_, id

VELE, VEYL, _s_ A violent current or whirlpool


The same with S _wele_, _wallee_; Isl _vell_, ebullitio

V ~Wele~

VELVOUS, _s_ Velvet; Fr _velous_

_Maitland P_

VENDACE, _s_ The gwiniad, salmo lavaretus, Linn S

_Stat Acc_

VENENOWS, WENENOUS, _adj_ Venomous


O Fr _veneneus_, Lat _venenos-us_

VENESUM, _adj_ Venomous

_Complaynt S_