Part 968 (1/2)
WHILT, _s_ _A-whilt_, in a state of perturbation
~Whiltie-whaltie~, _adv_ In a state of palpitation _My heart's a'
playin whiltie-whaltie_, S
Isl _vallt_, volutor; _hwell-a_, resonare
WHIN, WHINSTANE, _s_ Ragstone, or toadstone, S
V ~Quhyn~
_Stat Acc_
_To_ WHINGE, _v n_ To whine, S
V ~Quhinge~
WHINGER, WHINGAR, _s_ A short hanger used as a knife at meals, and as a sword in broils
_Lay Last Minstr_
Isl _hwin_, furunculus, and _gerd_ actio; q a weapon for _secret deeds_
WHINKENS, _s pl_ Flummery, S B
Su G _hwink-a_, to vacillate
_To_ WHINNER, _v n_ To pass with velocity, giving a hu sound, S
Isl _hwyna_, to resound
_To_ WHIP _aff_, or _awa_, _v n_ To fly off with velocity, S
Su G _wipp-a_, to be rapidly carried upwards and doards; C B
_chwip-iaw_, to move briskly