Part 1001 (1/2)
_To_ YUKE, _v n_ To be itchy
V ~Youk~
YULE, YHULE, YUYLL, _s_ The naiven to Christmas, S A Bor
Su G _jul_, Dan _jule_, _juledag_, Isl _jol_, A S _geola_, _gehul_, id
This nareat annual feast, celebrated a the northern nations, at the time of the winter solstice, in honour of the Sun Hence Odin was denominated _Julvatter_, or the _Father_ of _Yule_
Many conjectures have been forin of the name The most probable are, that it is froe_, and _oel_, commessatio, q _the feast_; or from Isl Su G
_hwel_, _hiul_, a wheel, in reference to the retrogradation of the sun; or from Moes G _uil_, Arm _hiaul_, Gr ??-???, the name of this luminary
_To_ ~Yule~, ~Yool~, _v n_ To observe Christ the festivities of this season
~Yule-e'en~, ~Yhule-ewyn~, _s_ The night preceding Christmas, the wake of _Yule_, S
V ~Yhu has been used in order to make each entry easier to read, and an effort has been inal dictionary Word sources are given in italics, inset by two spaces Etyical information normally appears in a separate line, inset by four spaces
All the main entries are capitalised, but sub-entries and cross-references are in suish them from the main entries This distinction has been retained
Italics are indicated by _this_ markup Sh the note preceding the entries for the letter 'Y' clearly describes the letter 'yogh', the character used throughout is ? (the 'ezh' or 'Latin long z')
Numerous minor errors in punctuation have been silently corrected There are also many inconsistencies in punctuation which have been difficult or impossible to resolve, and many undoubtedly remain Consistency is not a feature of this text This particularly applies to the etyies are sometimes included ord definitions, separated by a coraph; also although ies (especially in the opening sections of the dictionary), none have been inserted
Spelling has been left unchanged unless a definite typo has ocurred, as it probably reflects spelling of the early 19th century This includes variant spellings of the same word
Hyphens were commoner within compound words than they are today, and there is also inconsistency in their use throughout this text There is also inconsistency in the hyphenation of Latin words, where hyphenation is sometimes, but not always, used to indicate Latin roots or noun/verb endings Hyphens have been retained unless there is a clear indication that the word should be unhyphenated
The spelling ”Lanerks[hire]” for ”Lanarks[hire]” appears to be the accepted spelling for this period, and therefore has been left unchanged
Five instances of _Kings Quair_ have been corrected to _King's Quair_