Part 10 (2/2)
Goodrich H B Goodrich, Chicago, ca 1880 ca 1895 Ill
Grant Brothers Grant Bros & Co, 1867 ca 1870 (fig 90) Philadelphia, Pa
Green 91) Co Norwich, Conn
Morse and True 1860 1861
Green Mountain ---- ca 1860 --
Griswold Variety L Griswold, New York, ca 1886 ca 1890 NY
Grover and Baker Grover and Baker Sewing 1851 1875 (figs 34-36, 92) Machine Co, Boston, Mass
Hancock ---- 1868 before 1881 (figs 93, 94)
Heberling Running John Heberling 1878 ca 1885 Stitch
Herron's Patent ---- 1857 -- (fig 95)
Higby Higby Sewing Machine ca 1882 after 1886 Later Acme Co, Brattleboro, Vt
Hoe, Mass
Homestead ---- ca 1881 --
Household Providence Tool Co, 1880 ca 1884 Providence, RI
Household Sewing ca 1885 1906 Machine Co
Howe (figs 96, 97) Hoing Machine Co, 1853 1873 New York, NY
(co 98) Howe Machine Co, 1867 1886 Bridgeport, Conn
Howe's I 107) Boston, Mass
J B Nichols & Co 1853 1854 which became Nichols, Leavitt & Co, 1854 1856 Leavitt Boston, Mass
N Hunt, which N Hunt & Co, Boston, 1853 1854 becas 99, Hunt and Webster, 1854 1857 100) Boston, Mass
Later Ladd and Webster (_see_)
I 102)
Independent Independent Sewing 1873 -- Noiseless Machine Co, Binghao, 1881 1890 Ill Later Belvidere, Ill
Jewel Jewel Mfg Co, Toledo, 1884 after 1886 Ohio
Johnson (fig 103) Ehton & Co, 1856 after 1865 Boston, Mass