Part 1 (2/2)

”Then I suggest that they make an immediate effort,” Miss Nelson ended the interview. ”The Palette Club has no right to an existence unless it welcomes members with real art talent.”

A group of girls awaited Penny when she reached the locker room. They eagerly plied her with questions as to why she had been detained by the teacher.

”I'll tell you later,” Penny promised.

At the other side of the room Rhoda Wiegand was removing a coat from her locker. A sober-faced girl of seventeen, she wore a faded blue dress which seemed to draw all color from her thin face. Knowing that she was not well liked, she seldom spoke or forced herself upon the other students.

”Rhoda,” began Penny, paying no heed to the amazed glances of her friends, ”the Palette Club is having a meeting this afternoon at the old Marborough place. Why not come with us?”

The older girl turned quickly, a smile of surprise and pleasure brightening her face.

”Oh, I should love to go, only I don't think--” Hesitating, she gazed at the other girls who were eyeing her in a none too friendly way.

Penny gave Louise Sidell a little pinch. Her chum, understanding what was expected, said with as much warmth as she could: ”Yes, do come, Rhoda. We plan to sketch the old wis.h.i.+ng well.”

”I have enough drawing material for both of us,” Penny added persuasively.

”If you really want me, of course I'll come!” Rhoda accepted, her voice rather tremulous. ”I've heard about the Marborough homestead, and always longed to see it.”

A group of subdued girls gathered their belongings from the lockers, preparing to leave the school grounds. No one understood why Penny had invited Rhoda to attend the outing, and the act had not been a popular one.

Boarding a bus, the twelve members of the Palette Club soon reached the end of the line, and from there walked a quarter of a mile into the country. Penny and Louise chose Rhoda as their companion, trying to make her feel at ease. Conversation became rather difficult and they were relieved when, at length, they approached their destination.

”There's the old house,” Penny said, indicating a steep pitched roof-top which could be seen rising above a jungle of tall oaks. ”It's been unoccupied for at least ten years now.”

The Marborough homestead, a handsome dwelling of pre-Civil war day, long had been Riverview's most outstanding architectural curiosity. Only in a vague way was Penny familiar with its history. The property had been named Rose Acres and its mistress, Mrs. James Marborough, had moved from the city many years before, allowing the house to stand unpainted and untended. Once so beautifully kept, the grounds had become a tangle of weeds and untrimmed bushes. Even so, the old plantation home with its six graceful pillars, retained dignity and beauty.

Entering the yard through a s.p.a.ce where a gate once had stood, the girls gazed about with interest. Framed in a clump of giant azaleas was the statue of an Indian girl with stone feathers in her hair. Beyond, they caught a glimpse of the river which curved around the south side of the grounds in a wide bend.

”Where is the old wis.h.i.+ng well?” Rhoda inquired. ”I've heard so much about it.”

”We're coming to it now,” Penny replied, leading the way down an avenue of oak trees.

Not far from the house stood the old-fas.h.i.+oned covered well. Its base was of cut stone and on a bronze plate had been engraved the words: ”_If you do a good deed, you can make a wish and it will come true_.”

”Some people around Riverview really believe that this old well has the power to make wishes come true,” Louise Sidell remarked, peering at her reflection mirrored in the water far below. ”In the past years when Mrs.

Marborough lived here, it had quite a reputation.”

”The water is still good if you don't mind a few germs,” Penny added with a laugh. ”I see that someone has replaced the bucket. There was none here the last time I came.”

By means of the long sweep, she lowered the receptacle and brought it up filled with water.

”Make a wish, Penny,” one of her friends urged. ”Maybe it will come true.”

”Everyone knows what she'll ask for!” teased Louise. ”Her desires are always the same--a bigger weekly allowance!”
