Part 6 (2/2)
”I wonder who they can be?” Penny speculated, staring after the car. ”And why did they come all the way from Texas to see Rhoda and Ted?”
”Friends of yours?” Jerry asked carelessly.
”I like Rhoda very much. Ted seems to be a rather questionable character.
I wonder--”
”You wonder what?” the reporter prompted, helping Penny into the parked automobile.
”It just came to me, Jerry!” she answered gravely. ”Those men may be officers from Texas sent here to arrest Ted for something he's done! I never meant to set them on his trail, but I may be responsible for his arrest!”
Jerry smiled broadly as he edged the car from its parking s.p.a.ce by the curb.
”You certainly have a vivid imagination, Penny,” he accused. ”Those two men didn't look like plain-clothes men to me. Anyway, if Ted Wiegand had committed an illegal act, wouldn't it be your duty to turn him over to the authorities?”
”I suppose so,” Penny admitted unwillingly. ”Ted stole one of Truman Crocker's chickens today. It was a dreadful thing to do, but in a way you couldn't blame him too much. I'm sure the Breens needed food.”
”Stealing is stealing. I don't know the lad, but if a fellow is crooked in small things, he's usually dishonest otherwise as well. Speaking of Truman Crocker, he was the man who hauled the big rock to the museum.”
”Was he?” Penny inquired, not particularly interested in the information.
”I understand he does a great deal of rock hauling around Riverview. A queer fellow.”
Becoming absorbed in her own thoughts, Penny had little to say until the car drew up in front of the Parker home.
”Won't you come in?” she invited Jerry as she alighted.
”Can't tonight,” he declined regretfully. ”I have a date at a bowling alley.”
Mr. Parker had been called downtown to attend a meeting, Penny discovered upon entering the house. Unable to tell him of her trip to the museum, she tried to interest Mrs. Weems in the story. However, the housekeeper, who was eager to start for a moving-picture theatre, soon cut her short.
”Excuse me, Penny, but I really must be leaving or I'll be late,” she apologized, putting on her hat.
”I thought you were interested in mystery, Mrs. Weems.”
”Mystery, yes,” smiled the housekeeper. ”To tell you the truth, though, I can't become very excited over an old stone, no matter what's written on it.”
After Mrs. Weems had gone, Penny was left alone in the big house. She sat down to read a book but soon laid it aside. To pa.s.s the time, she thought she would make a batch of fudge. But, no sooner had she mixed the sugar and chocolate together than it seemed like a useless occupation, so she set aside the pan for Mrs. Weems to finish upon her return from the movie.
”I know what I'll do!” she thought suddenly. ”I wonder why I didn't think of it sooner?”
Hastening to the telephone she called her chum, Louise, asking her to come over at once.
”What's up?” the other inquired curiously.
”We're going to carry out a philanthropic enterprise, Lou! I'll tell you about it when you get here!”