Part 7 (2/2)
As Penny lifted the heavy basket from the rear compartment of the automobile, she noticed another car standing not far away. It looked somewhat familiar and in studying it more intently she noted the license plate.
”Why, it's that same Texas car!” she exclaimed. ”Those men must still be here.”
”What car? What men?”
”Oh, this evening two strangers inquired the way to this tourist camp,”
Penny explained briefly. ”They said they were looking for Ted Wiegand.”
”Friends of his?”
”I don't know who they were or what they wanted. It struck me as odd though, that they would come from such a long distance.”
”Whoever they are, they must be at the trailer now,” Louise said after a moment. ”Should we leave the basket on the doorstep or wait until they've gone?”
”We can't very well wait, Lou. They might decide to stay half the night.”
Carrying the basket between them, the girls moved noiselessly toward the trailer. Blinds had not been drawn and they could see Mr. and Mrs. Breen, Rhoda, and the two men seated at the table carrying on an animated discussion.
”I wish I knew why those Texas fellows came here,” Penny remarked thoughtfully. ”If we wanted to find out--”
”I'll not listen at any window!” Louise cut her short.
”I was merely thinking we _could_. Of course, I never would do such an ill-bred thing.”
”I'm sure you won't,” Louise replied with emphasis. ”For a very good reason too! I shall take you away before temptation sways you.”
Depositing the basket of food on the trailer doorstep, she forcibly pulled Penny to the waiting car.
At school the next morning, both Penny and Louise eagerly awaited some indication from Rhoda Wiegand that the basket of food had been discovered by the Breen family. The girl had failed to appear at five minutes to nine, and they began to wonder if she intended to absent herself from
”Oh, by the way, what did Mrs. Weems say about last night's little episode?” Louise asked her chum curiously.
”Entirely too much,” Penny sighed. ”She sent me three thousand words on the budget problems of a housekeeper! If you don't mind, let's allow the subject to rest in peace.”
It was time for the final school bell, and the two girls started toward the a.s.sembly room. Just then Rhoda, breathless from hurrying, came into the hallway. Her eyes sparkled and obviously, she was rather excited.
”Girls, something strange happened last night!” she greeted Penny and Louise. ”You'll never guess!”
”We couldn't possibly,” Louise said soberly.
”Two baskets of food were left at the door of our trailer! It's silly to say it, I know, but it seems as if my wish at the old well must have had something to do with it.”
”Did you say _two_ baskets of food were left?” Louise questioned, gazing sideways at Penny.