Part 16 (2/2)

Penny allowed the subject to die. With a quick change of interest, she suggested to her companions that they return to Riverview by way of the Marborough place.

”Don't you think we're showing ourselves there too frequently,” Louise protested mildly. ”There's such a thing as wearing out one's welcome.”

”Oh, we needn't try to break into the house.” Penny grinned. ”But if we don't go there, we'll never learn any more about the mystery.”

Louise and Rhoda were not particularly eager to climb the hill. However, to oblige Penny they offered no objection to her proposal.

Approaching the Marborough property five minutes later, the girls were startled to hear loud, angry voices. The sound came from the direction of the old wis.h.i.+ng well.

”Someone is having a fearful argument!” Penny declared, quickening her step.

As the three friends emerged into the clearing they saw Mrs. Marborough and Jay Franklin sitting together on a garden bench. The widow was speaking in a high-pitched voice, reprimanding the caller for having misled her regarding the record stone found on her land.

”She's giving it to him right, and I'm glad!” Penny chuckled.

”Let's not go any closer,” Louise murmured, holding back.

Penny stared at her chum in blank amazement. ”Not go closer?” she demanded. ”Why, this is why we came! I thought Mr. Franklin might be here, and I want to hear what he has to say for himself.”


Neither Louise nor Rhoda approved of interfering in the argument between Mrs. Marborough and Mr. Franklin, but as usual they could not stand firm against Penny. Making considerable noise to give warning of their approach, the girls drew near the garden bench.

”Your conduct has amazed and disappointed me,” they heard the old lady say in clipped words. ”When I allowed you to remove the stone from my yard you promised that you would deliver it to the museum.”

”I may have mentioned such a possibility, but I made no promise,” Mr.

Franklin replied. ”You sold the rock to me. It is now mine to do with as I see fit.”

”You deliberately tricked me! I am less concerned with the money than with the fact that you are trying to force the museum to pay for something which I meant them to have free.”

”Mrs. Marborough, you sold the rock for two dollars. Unless I am very much mistaken, that money meant more to you than you would have the townspeople believe!”

Mrs. Marborough arose from the bench, glaring at the visitor.

”Mr. Franklin, you are insulting! Leave my premises this minute and never return!”

”I'll be very happy to depart,” the man retorted, smiling coldly. ”I came here only because you sent for me. However, if you were inclined to take a sensible viewpoint, I might make you a business proposition.”

”What do you mean by that, Mr. Franklin?”

”I refer to this house here. If you're disposed to sell it I might make you an offer.”

Mrs. Marborough had started toward the house, but then she paused and regarded him speculatively.

”What is your offer, Mr. Franklin?”
