Part 20 (2/2)

”In case you've forgotten, you're in a well,” Louise said severely.

”Furthermore, if you don't work fast, Mrs. Marborough will come out here!”

”I have to have a little relaxation,” Penny grumbled.

Descending deeper into the well, she resumed her task of examining the walls. There were no loose bricks, nothing to indicate that anything ever had been hidden in the cavern. Reaching the last rung without realizing it, she stepped not into s.p.a.ce, but water.

Surprisingly her foot struck a solid foundation.

Hastily pulling herself back on the ladder, Penny shouted the information to her chum.

”Lou, the water isn't more than a foot and a half deep! There's an old boot or something of the sort floating around. You don't catch me drinking any more of this water. No sir!”

There was no reply from above.

”Louise!” Penny called, flas.h.i.+ng her light upward.

”Quiet!” came the whispered response. ”I think someone is coming!”

”Mrs. Marborough?” Penny gasped, thoroughly alarmed.

”No! Two men! They're turning in at the gate!”

Penny began to climb the silken ladder with frantic haste.

”You never can get out without them seeing you!” Louise hissed. ”I'm ducking out!”

”Don't you dare!”

”They'll see me if I don't. Stay where you are Penny, and I'll come back after they go. Oh, the ladder! It's sure to give you away!”

In the emergency, Penny's mind worked with rapidity. Lowering herself into the well several rungs, she deliberately stepped into the water. To her relief it came just below her knees.

”Quick! Pull up the ladder!” she instructed.

The two men were so close that Louise dared not obey. Instead she loosed the iron hooks and dropped the ladder into the well. Penny barely was able to catch it and prevent a loud splash.

”Of all the tricks--” she muttered, but Louise did not hear. She had fled into a clump of bushes.

Penny huddled against the slimy wall, listening intently. Thinking that she heard footsteps, she switched out the flashlight.

”This is the place all right,” a masculine voice said. ”Wonder if the old lady is at home?”

”There's a light showing.”

The voices faded away, and Penny drew a deep sigh of relief. Impatiently she waited for Louise to come to her aid. After several minutes she realized why her chum delayed, for she again heard voices.

”The old lady must be inside the house. Funny she wouldn't come to the door. They say she's a queer one though.”
