1 The Arrival (1/2)
Thunderstorm had just pa.s.sed. It was a tranquil dawn. Sun hadn't come up yet, but the sky was covered with red clouds. The color of those clouds seemed as the color of fresh blood. It felt as though there had been huge bloodshed somewhere that night and because of that even stars were mourning. It was like heavens had enough of this vicious humanity and were trying to wipe out the world by bringing that ravaging thunderstorm.
It had been very quiet after the thunderstorm. Not even a single leaf could've been found fluttering. It seemed like even the wind was tired of moving around.
The silence just broke by someone's rapid footsteps. There was someone running very fast. He was running as though his life depended on it. He wasn't in good shape. His upper part of the body was drenched in blood. There were marks of heavy wounds on his chest and stomach and, yet he was carrying an infant in his arm.
Not very far, a low screeching voice was heard and a mysteriously outlandish looking portal appeared out of nowhere. There were some ten to fifteen inexplicable, sword and spear wielding soldiers, who came out from that portal. They were wearing helmets and battle armors on their bodies. If a normal person were to see them he would've thought that either they were shooting a historical drama or a period movie.
”Where is he? Look for him. He must be here somewhere.” A bearded soldier ordered them in loud voice. He had a nefarious looking long scar on his face. Imposing from his demeanor it was obvious that he was the leader of this group.
”Pardon my interruption but are you sure that we are in the same planet as him, sir? We've been chasing him for a long time now.” An ominous looking soldier bowed and asked in a very polite manner. His manner of asking at this moment didn't suit his persona.
”Why, do you doubt me now? I have been tracking him all the way from TEJAS. I admit that I'm not as good as him in a one on one fight, but I can say that there is no person in the whole BHAGEERATHI galaxy, who can hide themselves from me.”
”That's why his highness allocated this mission to me. Now stop your blabbering and go find him. We should kill him and the boy otherwise none of us will be able to live after returning. And one thing you should keep in your mind that if you managed to find him, never engage alone. You all aren't a match to him.” Leader answered.
”But General, he is wounded right now.” Another soldier asked.
”He's wounded?” Leader grinned. ”He's the legendary General sent by heavens to protect BHAGEERATHI galaxy. People called him 'Immortal General' for a reason. That kind of wound is nothing for him and you should know that a wounded lion will be more dangerous than a dragon. If you find him, just flash the signal and I'll be there to suppress him.” Leader said with a frown on his face.
He brought out a bag from his storage bracelet and rubbed it lightly.” This should be an extraordinary item if it can hold back the ex general. His highness gave it to me to restrain him. If I can manage to keep this with myself, I will be invincible among those other Generals. I should complete this mission very nicely. Only that way I can get this stone as a reward.” Leader's lips curved slightly upwards while he thought about this. At this moment everyone scattered to find the ex General.