Chapter 4 (1/2)
Chapter 1 Episode 4
Iron Farming Tools
The self -introduction was over.
All of them were abandoned one way or another, but it was definitely their parents that abandoned them.
They came from all over the place.
Seems like I have made some friends these past several days. In other words, there was s.p.a.ce for me to be close to them. It was a total relief.
The gender ratio here was fifty-fifty.
Normally, girls take more precedence, but somehow those weren’t followed since it was fifty-fifty.
Even so, it does not matter now.
For now, let me only introduce five most important people.
Ron-kun. 12 years old. The oldest among them. Taller than the current me. He was slightly contentious, but he had a sense of responsibility.
Soyon-chan. 12 years old. Born from the same village as Ron-kun. Very cute. Will probably be Ron-kun’s wife in the future. Always speaks respectfully to me.
Ron has his uses, but he has the biggest att.i.tude among the children. I felt lonely by how close they really are.
Roswald-kun. 11 years old. He was the number two guy until I came. He was more high-handed than Ron-kun. He doesn’t really mind me.
Tetora-chan. 10 years old. Taciturn. Basically doesn’t speak.
Gram-kun. 10 years old. Pet.i.te and timid.
These five people are the central figures of this group.
“Still, I cannot think of anything other than working on a farm.”
I spoke in front of these 5 people about my plan.
Frankly speaking, it’s meaningless to inquire the opinion of a kid, it would be better to start it by myself without considering their opinion.
I was just a stranger who acted along the flow.
Still, declining them just because they are 10 years younger than me was out of the question.
“But you know, isn’t working on the field extremely hard? How are we going to do it?”
That was Ron-kun’s opinion.
I totally agree with him.
The uncultivated land was extremely hard to begin with. Because the roots of vegetation are stretched all around, removing them would be hard work.
To all of the children, it’s on a level that would be fatal.
Besides, among the children that can be useful, there are only six of us including me that are 10 years or older.
This would be reckless.
But it’s better than not doing anything.
“It’s impossible I tell you. Let’s just stop.”
Roswald made the remark indifferently while stretching out his legs.
And then stared at me.
“I’m not convinced that what this guy had said is good. Isn’t that right, Tetora?
“…… On the other had, there is only agriculture to obtain a semblance of a stable food supply.”
Tetora seems to agree to my opinion.
“What do you think, Gram?”
“Eh!? Well, that…… I don’t know.”
Gram had a scared expression.
Oh well, it’s only natural he doesn’t know. He was only a kid after all.
“So, how are we going to cultivate the land?”
“We need to buy some iron farming tools. If we have that I think it will considerably be easy.”
“Buy? What do you mean by buy?”
Ah…… They don’t know currency. Then it’s the wrong word to use.
“It means we have to trade something for it.”
“If there was something to trade for iron farming tools, it would have been on my stomach a long time ago. You’re an idiot.”
Roswald-kun, that was a harsh comment coming from you. Oi, only someone stupid can call someone stupid.
“There is something we can use to trade. Unfortunately, you can’t eat it.”
The five people were at once dumbstruck at my words. How cute.
“Hey, I have brought it.”
I heard the Griffon’s voice. It seems it was able to bring the objective.
“Thank you very much. With this, we’ll manage somehow.”
I received a huge amount of swords and spears from the Griffon. 70% are made of Iron, and 30% are made from bronze.
All of these weapons came from the brave people from all over trying to beat the Griffon. These have been rusted from exposure, but these are still valuable metals.
“I don’t really mind. These tusks and nails are unnecessary for this one. It doesn’t easily return to the ground, and I’m troubled that these were stinking the place. Quickly dispose of these things. Now then, there is still a huge amount remaining.”
The Griffon flew away as it said so.
The human sense of value was totally different from a beast.
“Areー are we going to war?”
“This is different.”
I rebuked Gram-kun’s remark. I mean, Gram-kun, your imagination was somewhat radical.
In spite of being a coward.
“Surely this will make us powerful, but there is no way a child can beat an adult. Even if a child has a weapon to swing around, they can still be defeated by an adult barehanded.”
It’s clearly evident who’s going to win a match between an adult and a child. Don’t act so rashly. Even if you are at the death’s door from starvation.
“Are we trading it for iron farming tools?”
“It is as you said, Tetora-chan!”
I was going to pat Tetora’s head but she dodged. Oniisan was sad by that.
“Shouldn’t we trade it for food?”
Tetora-chan answered Ron-kun’s question.
“If you only buy food. We can’t secure a stable food supply.”
“Ah, is that so?”
Ron-kun quickly backed out. Ron-kun being obedient was a good Ron-kun.
“But how can we easily dig up the soil with only iron farming tools? The soil here is terribly hard.”
Tetora-chan said it.
“We will have to look for a place with soft soil. Worst case, we will have to employ adults. But it might be futile as they may not be willing to help us base on the condition we set.”
Using Griffon-sama’s authority would be great.
Even so, this will be only used as a last resort.
There are other ways for the Griffon itself to help me.