Part 17 (1/2)

But on went the friar--his torch lighting the way--down and ever down until they trod a narrow way 'twixt reeking walls, where breathed an air so close and foul the very torch languished. At length the friar stopped before a mighty door, thick-banded with iron bars and with bolts, and while Beltane held the torch, he fitted key to lock and thereafter the great door swung on screaming hinge and showed a dungeon beyond--a place foul and noisome, where divers pale-faced wretches lay or crouched, blinking in the torch's glare.

”What?” cried one, coming to his feet, a squat broad-shouldered man-- ”be this the dawn so soon? Well, we be ready, better to hang i' the clean air than rot in a dungeon, say I. So we be ready, eh, my brothers?”

But now, some groaned and wept and others laughed, while yet others got them to their knees, bowed of head and silent. Then went in the friar to them and laid his hands upon the squat man's shoulder and spake him gently.

”And is it Osric,” said he. ”Day is not yet, my son, nor with the day shalt thou die nor any here, an ye be silent all and follow where we lead, soft-footed, so will we bring you to G.o.d's good world again.

Rise, then, each one, speak nothing, but follow!”

So then did these men, s.n.a.t.c.hed of a sudden from the horror of death to the hope of new life, follow on stumbling feet, out from the noisome gloom of the dungeon, out from the clammy air breathing of death, up the narrow winding stair; and with each step came strength and manhood.

Thus as they strode forth of the frowning keep, each man bore sword or gisarm. So, with breath in cheek, but hearts high-beating, they came one and all, to where the slimy stair led down into the gloom. Yet here Friar Martin paused, sighing, to look behind, whence rose the distant hum of those thronging townsfolk who yet crowded wall and street and market square to watch the gallows burn.

”Now sweet Christ s.h.i.+eld ye, good people of Belsaye!” he sighed.

”What mean ye, my brother?” questioned Beltane.

”Alas! my son,” groaned the friar, ”I needs must think upon the coming day and of the vengeance of Sir Gui for this our work!”

”His vengeance, friar?”

”There will be torture and death busy hereabouts tomorrow, my son, for, the prisoners being gone, so will Sir Gui vent his anger on the townsfolk--'tis ever his custom--”

”Ha!” quoth my Beltane, knitting his brows, ”I had not thought on this!”--and with the word, he turned him back, drawing on his hood of mail.

”Come, lord,” whispered Black Roger in his ear, ”let us be going while yet we may.”

”Aye, come, my son,” spake the friar, low-voiced. ”Tarry not, Belsaye is in the hand of G.o.d! Nay, what would you?”

”I must go back,” said Beltane, loosening sword in scabbard, ”for needs must I this night have word with Gui of Allerdale.”

”Nay,” whispered the friar, with pleading hand on Beltane's arm, ”'tis thing impossible--”

”Yet must I try, good brother--”

”Ah, dear my son, 'twill be thy death--”

”Why look you, gentle friar, I am in Belsaye, and Belsaye 'is in the hand of G.o.d!' So fear not for me, but go you all and wait for me beyond the river. And, if I come not within the hour, then press on with speed for Thrasfordham within Bourne, and say to Sir Benedict that, while _he_ liveth to draw sword, so is there hope for Pentavalon. But now-- quick!--where lodgeth Sir Gui?”

”Within the keep--there is a stair doth mount within the thickness of the wall--nay, I will be thy guide if go indeed thou must--”

”Not so, good friar, be it thy duty to lead these prisoners to freedom and to safety within Bourne.”

”Then will I come,” whispered Roger hoa.r.s.e and eager, as the friar turned slow-footed to follow the others adown the slippery stair, ”beseech thee, lord, thy man am I, twice sworn to thee till death, so suffer me beside thee.”

”Nay,” said Beltane, ”Pentavalon's need of thee is greater e'en than mine, therefore will I adventure this thing alone. Go you with the friar, my Roger, and so farewell to each.”

”G.o.d keep thee, n.o.ble son!” whispered the friar, his hand upraised in blessing: but Roger stood, chin on breast and spake no word.

Then Beltane turned him and sped away, soft-treading in the shadow of the great keep.

The waning moon cast shadows black and long, and in these shadows Beltane crept and so, betimes, came within the outer guard-room and to the room beyond; and here beheld a low-arched doorway whence steps led upward,--a narrow stair, gloomy and winding, whose velvet blackness was stabbed here and there by moonlight, flooding through some deep-set arrow-slit. Up he went, and up, pausing once with breath in check, fancying he heard the stealthy sound of one who climbed behind him in the black void below; thus stayed he a moment, with eyes that strove to pierce the gloom, and with naked dagger clenched to smite, yet heard nought, save the faint whisper of his own mail, and the soft tap of his long scabbard against the wall; wherefore he presently sped on again, climbing swiftly up the narrow stair. Thus, in a while, he beheld a door above: a small door, yet stout and strong, a door that stood ajar, whence came a beam of yellow light.