Part 23 (1/2)

”O Black Roger!” he groaned, ”I grieve to have brought thee to this!”

”Nay, lord,” quoth Roger, lifting high his drooping head, ”'tis but my wound that bleeds afresh. But, bond or free, thy man am I, and able yet to strike a blow on thy behalf an heaven so please.”

”Now G.o.d s.h.i.+eld thee, brave Roger!” sighed Beltane.

”O sweet St. Giles--and what of me, brother?” spake a voice in his ear, and turning, Beltane beheld the archer smiling upon him with swollen, b.l.o.o.d.y lips.

”Thou here too, good Giles?”

”Even so, tall brother, in adversity lo! I am with thee--since I found no chance to run other-where, for that divers rogues constrained me to abide--notably yon knave with the scar, whose mailed fist I had perforce to kiss, brother, in whose dog's carcase I will yet feather me a shaft, sweet St. Giles aiding me--which is my patron saint, you'll mind. _Nil desperandum_, brother: bruised and beaten, bleeding and in bonds, yet I breathe, nothing desponding, for mark me, _a priori_, brother, Walkyn and the young knight won free, which is well; Walkyn hath long legs, which is better; Walkyn hath many friends i' the greenwood, which is best of all. So do I keep a merry heart--_dum spiro spero_--trusting to the good St. Giles, which, as methinks you know is my--”

The archer grew suddenly dumb, his comely face blanched, and glancing round, Beltane beheld Sir Pertolepe beside him, who leaned down from his great white horse to smile wry-mouthed, and smiling thus, put back the mail-coif from his pallid face and laid a finger to the linen clout that swathed his head above the brows.

”Messire,” said he soft-voiced, ”for this I might hang thee to a tree, or drag thee at a horse's tail, or hew thee in sunder with this great sword o' thine which shall be mine henceforth--but these be deaths unworthy of such as thou--my lord Duke! Now within Garthlaxton be divers ways and means, quaint fas.h.i.+ons and devices strange and rare, messire. And when I'm done, Black Roger shall hang what's left of thee, ere he go to feed my hounds. That big body o' thine shall rot above my gate, and for that golden head--ha! I'll send it to Duke Ivo in quittance for his gallows! Yet first--O, first shalt thou sigh that death must needs be so long a-coming!”

But now, from where the van-ward marched, came galloping a tall esquire, who, reining in beside Sir Pertolepe, pointed down the hill.

”Lord Pertolepe,” he cried joyously, ”yonder, scarce a mile, flies the banner of Gilles of Brandonmere, his company few, his men scattered and heavy with plunder.”

”Gilles!” quoth Sir Pertolepe. ”Ha, is it forsooth Gilles of Brandonmere?”

”Himself, lord, and none other. I marked plain his banner with the three stooping falcons.”

”And he hath booty, say you?”

”In truth, my lord--and there be women also, three horse litters--”

”Ah--women! Verily, good Fulk, hast ever a quick eye for the flutter of a kirtle. Now, mark me Fulk, Thornaby Mill lieth in our front, and beyond, the road windeth steep 'twixt high banks. Let archers line these banks east and west: let the pikemen be ambushed to the south, until we from the north have charged them with the horse--see 'tis done, Fulk, and silently--so peradventure, Sir Gilles shall trouble me no more. Pa.s.s the word--away!”

Off rode Sir Fulk, and straightway the pounding hoofs were still, the jingle of bridle and stirrup hushed, and in its place a vague stir of bustle and excitement; of pikemen wheeling right and left to vanish southwards into the green, and of archers stringing bows and unbuckling quiver-caps ere they too wheeled and vanished; yet now Sir Pertolepe stayed four l.u.s.ty fellows, and beckoning them near, pointed to the prisoners.

”Good fellows,” quoth he, nodding jovially upon the archers, ”here be my three rogues, see you--who must with me to Garthlaxton: one to die by slow fire, one to be torn by my hounds, and one--this tall golden-haired youth--mark him well!--to die in slow and subtle fas.h.i.+on.

Now these three do I put in charge of ye trusty four; guard them well, good fellows, for, an one escape, so shall ye all four die in his stead and in such fas.h.i.+on as he should have died. Ha! d'ye mark me well, my merry men?”

”Aye, lord!” nodded the four, scowling of brow yet pale-cheeked.

”Look to it I find them secure, therefore, and entreat them tenderly.

March you at the rear and see they take no harm; choose ye some secure corner where they may lie safe from chance of stray shafts, for I would have them come hale and sound to Garthlaxton, since to die well, a man must be strong and hearty, look you. D'ye mark me well, good fellows?”

”Aye, lord!” growled the four.

Then Sir Pertolepe, fondling his great chin, smiled upon Beltane and lifted Beltane's glittering sword on high, ”Advance my banner!” he cried, and rode forward among his men-at-arms. On went the company, grimly silent now save for the snort of a horse, the champing of curbing bits and the thud of slow trampling hoofs upon the tender gra.s.s, as the west flamed to sunset. Thus in a while they came to a place where the road, narrowing, ran 'twixt high banks clothed in gorse and underbrush; a shadowy road, the which, winding downwards, was lost in a sharp curve. Here the array was halted, and abode very still and silent, with helm and lance-point winking in the last red rays of sunset.

”O brother,” whispered Giles, ”ne'er saw I place sweeter or more apt for ambushment. Here shall be b.l.o.o.d.y doings anon, and we--helpless as babes! O me, the pity on't!” But now with blows and gibes the four archers dragged them unto a tall tree that stood beside the way, a tree of mighty girth whose far-flung branches cast a deep gloom. Within this gloom lay my Beltane, stirring not and speaking no word, being faint and sick with his hurts. But Giles the archer, sitting beside him, vented by turns bitter curses upon Sir Pertolepe and humble prayers to his patron saint, so fluent and so fast that prayers and curses became strangely blent and mingled, on this wise:

”May Red Pertolepe be thrice d.a.m.ned with a candle to the blessed Saint Giles that is my comfort and intercessor. May his bones rot within him with my gold chain to sweet Saint Giles. May his tongue wither at the roots--ah, good Saint Giles, save me from the fire. May he be cursed in life and may the flesh shrivel on his bones and his soul be eternally d.a.m.ned with another candle and fifty gold pieces to the altar of holy Saint Giles--”

But now hearing Roger groan, the archer paused to admonish him thus:

”Croak not, Roger, croak not,” quoth he, ”think not upon thy vile body --pray, man, pray--pray thyself speechless. Call reverently upon the blessed saints as I do, promise them candles, Roger, promise hard and pray harder lest we perish--I by fire and thou by Pertolepe's hounds.