Part 55 (1/2)

”An our foes should come upon us--”

”O content you,” quoth Beltane, stooping to loose off his spurs, ”our foes were lost hours since, nor shall any find us here in the wild, methinks--pray you, loose me this buckle. Come, list how the waters do woo us with their pretty babble.”

”But, messire,” quoth Fidelis, faint-voiced, and fumbling awkwardly with the buckle, ”indeed I--I have no art in swimming.”

”Then will I teach thee.”

”Nay,” spake the young knight hastily, his trouble growing, ”I do dread the water!”

”Well, there be shallows 'neath the alders yonder.”

”Aye, but the shallows will be muddy, and I--”

”Muddy?” cried Beltane, pausing with his hauberk half on, half off, to stare at Sir Fidelis in amaze, ”muddy, forsooth! Art a dainty youth in faith, and over-nice, methinks. What matter for a little honest mud, prithee?”

”Why 'tis mud! And slimy under foot! And I love not mud! So will I none of the shallows!”

”Then verily must I chide thee, Fidelis, for--”

”Then verily will I unto yon boskage, messire, to prepare us a fire 'gainst the 'beasts that raven,' and our bracken beds. Howbeit, bathe me I--will--not, messire!”

”O luxurious youth, then will I, and shame thy nice luxuriousness!”

quoth Beltane; and off came hauberk and quilted gambeson and away skipped Sir Fidelis into the green.

So, presently, Beltane plunged him into the stream, and swimming with powerful strokes, felt his youth and strength redoubled thereby, and rejoiced to be alive. Thereafter he leapt ash.o.r.e, his blood aglow with ardent life, and, as he clothed him, felt a great and mighty hunger.

But scarce had he donned chausses and gambeson than he heard an outcry and sudden clamour within the green; whereupon, staying not for his armour, he caught up his sword and, unsheathing it as he ran, plunged in among the trees and there espied Sir Fidelis stoutly withstanding three foul knaves unwashed and ragged. Then shouted Beltane, and fell upon them right joyously and smote them gleefully and laughed to see them reel and scatter before his sudden onset; whereon, beholding Sir Fidelis pale and scant of breath, he stayed to clap him on the shoulder.

”Blithely done, good Fidelis!” quoth he. ”Rest thee awhile and catch thy wind, for fain am I to try a bout with yon tall rogues!” So saying, he advanced upon the scowling three, his eyes a-dance, his nimble feet light-poised for swift action--for l.u.s.ty rogues were these, who, seeing him alone, forthwith met him point and edge, besetting him with many swas.h.i.+ng blows, that, whistling, did but cleave the empty air or rang loud upon his swift-opposing blade. So hewed they, and smote amain until their brows shone moist and their breaths waxed short; whereat Beltane mocked them, saying:

”Ha--sweat ye, forsooth? Do ye puff so soon? This cometh of foul eating and fouler life. Off--off! ye beefy do-nothings! An ye would be worthy fighters, eat less and bathe ye more!” Then Beltane laid on with the flat of his heavy sword and soundly belaboured these hard-breathing knaves, insomuch that one, hard-smitten on the crown, stumbled and fell, whereupon his comrades, to save their bones, leapt forthwith a-down the steepy bank and, plunging into the stream, made across to the farther side, splas.h.i.+ng prodigiously, and cursing consumedly, for the water they liked not at all.

Now as Beltane leaned him on his sword, watching their flounderings joyful-eyed, the weapon was dashed from his loosened hold, he staggered 'neath the bite of vicious steel, and, starting round, beheld the third rogue, his deadly sword swung high; but even as the blow fell, Sir Fidelis sprang between and took it upon his own slender body, and, staggering aside, fell, and lay with arms wide-tossed. Then, whiles the robber yet stared upon his sword, s.h.i.+vered by the blow, Beltane leapt, and ere he could flee, caught him about the loins, and whirling him aloft, dashed him out into the stream. Then, kneeling by Sir Fidelis, he took his heavy head upon his arm and beheld his cheeks pale and wan, his eyes fast shut, and saw his s.h.i.+ning bascinet scored and deep-dinted by the blow.

”Fidelis!” he groaned, ”O my brave Fidelis, and art thou slain--for my sake?” But in a while, what time Beltane kneeled and mourned over him full sore, the young knight stirred feebly, sighed, and spake.

”Beltane!” he whispered; and again, ”Beltane!” Anon his white lids quivered, and, opening swooning eyes he spake again with voice grown stronger:

”My lord--my lord--what of thy wound?”

And lo! the voice was sweet to hear as note of merle or mavis; these eyes were long and deeply blue beneath their heavy lashes; eyes that looked up, brimful of tenderness, ere they closed slow and wearily; eyes so much at odds with grim bascinet and close-laced camail that Beltane must needs start and hold his breath and fall to sudden trembling what time Sir Fidelis lay there, pale and motionless, as one that is dead. Now great fear came upon Beltane, and he would have uttered desperate prayers, but could not; trembling yet, full gently he drew his arm from under that drooping head, and, stealing soft-footed to the river's marge, stood there staring down at the rippling waters, and his heart was rent with conflicting pa.s.sions--amazement, fear, anger, joy, and a black despair. And of a sudden Beltane fell upon his knees and bowed him low and lower until his burning brow was hid in the cool, sweet gra.s.s--for of these pa.s.sions, fiercest, strongest, wildest, was--despair.



Now in a while, he started to feel a hand among his hair, and the hand was wondrous light and very gentle; wherefore, wondering, he raised his head, but behold, the sun was gone and the shadows deepening to night.