Part 14 (1/2)
S. Permulta: super haec te consulendum putavi.
Very large: I thought to consult you about it.
Hic mec.u.m tabulas attuli ut eas inspicias.
I have brought the accounting with me so you can study it.
F. Bene est; Dignissima erat; cui semper plurimum tribui.
Good; she was a worthy lady; I always said so.
Falerni sume cyathum.
Have a gla.s.s of port.
S. Benigne dicis; dimidium: You are very kind; half a gla.s.s; bona venia uxoris tuae est mihi in animo with the permission of your wife I am thinking of telling you summas testamenti reddere; the amounts in the will; ad illam quoque pertinet.
it concerns her too.
(Testamenta allata resignat.) (Opens the will he has brought.)
Post nonnulla famulis legata ita inst.i.tuit: After several bequests to servants, it states:
”Fratris filiae Mariae lego Persicam et Psittac.u.m To my brother's daughter Mary I leave the Persian and the Parrot, quae animalia tantopere admirata est, which animals she greatly admired, certa fiducia se illis hospitium praebituram; in the full confidence that she will provide a good home for them; eidem etiam lego annulum meum gemmatum.
to her I also leave my diamond ring.
Nepoti ejusdem Mariae viro Georgio Fusco lego omne To my niece Mary's husband George Black I leave quod in hypogaeo superest vinum illud Falernum all the wine that remains in my cellar because quod semper laudabat.”
he always praised it.
F. (In malam rem.) (Black is unhappy.)
S. ”Quod ad ceteras possessiones As to my remaining possessions, Georgius Fuscus heres esto ex let George Black inherit all: (subridet Fuscus et uxori in aurem susurrat ”ita ut dixi.”) (Black smiles and whispers in his wife's ear ”as I said.”)
S. (Conversa tabula) (Turning the page) ”et rogo eum ut c.u.m primum potuerit haereditatem adire, ”and I ask him to go to the inheritance as soon as possible, omnibus et fundis et mobilibus venditis, to sell both real property and chattel, pecunias in cautionibus publica auctoritate factis to deposit the money in a bank collocet et fructus reddat nepoti mariti mei and give the interest to my husband's nephew Jacobo Albo et uxori suae in aetatem John White and his wife for their lifetimes aut utri eorum vita superarit: or to whichever of them outlives the other: eis mortuis ut inter liberos eorum caput dividat: when they die, the capital is to be divided among their children: aut liberis sine prole defunctis or if their children die without offspring caput reddat ad sodalitatem Anthropophagis Africanis the capital goes to the African Cannibal Mission informandis et nutriendis inst.i.tutam: established to educate and provide for them: praemio sint fiduciario viginti in annum librae.”
let the executor's pay be twenty pounds a year.”