Part 7 (1/2)
Fibres sometie for woodenware, turnery articles, interior decorations and flooring Valley of the Ohio, but occurs from Maine to Dakota and southward to Florida
=60 Broad-Leaved Maple= (_Acer on Maple)
Medium-sized tree, forhter, softer, and less valuable wood than _Acer saccharuions
=61 Mountain Maple= (_Acer spicatum_) Shter color Wood light, soft, close-grained, and susceptible of high polish Ranges froions of the Saskatchewan River; south through the Northern States and along the Appalachian Mountains to Georgia
=62 Ash-Leaved Maple= (_Acer negundo_) (Box Elder) Mediue-sized tree Heartwood crearained, not strong Used for woodenware and paper pulp Distributed across the continent, abundant throughout the Mississippi Valley along banks of streams and borders of swamps
=63 Striped Maple= (_Acer Pennsylvanicum_) (Moose-wood) Sht after for inlaid and for cabinet work Wood is light, soft, close-grained, and takes a fine polish Not common Occurs from Pennsylvania to Minnesota
=64 Red Mulberry= (_Morus rubra_) A s, rather tough, of coarse texture, very durable in contact with the soil The saphitish, heartwood yellow to orange brown, shrinks and checks considerably in drying, works well and stands well Used in cooperage and locally in construction, and in the manufacture of farm implements Common in the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, but widely distributed in the eastern United States
MYRTLE (See Laurel)
Wood very variable, usually very heavy and hard, very strong and tough, porous, and of coarse texture The saphitish, the heartwood ”oak” to reddish brown It shrinks and checks badly, giving trouble in seasoning, but stands well, is durable, and little subject to the attacks of boring insects Oak is used for e; it is used in shi+pbuilding, for heavy construction, in carpentry, in furniture, car and wagon work, turnery, and even in woodcarving It is also used in all kinds of farm implements, mill machinery, for piles and wharves, railway ties, etc, etc The oaks arethe predoe proportion of our broad-leaved forests, so that these are generally terh they always contain considerable proportion of other kinds of trees Three well-uished and kept separate in the markets Of the two principal kinds ”white oak” is the stronger, tougher, less porous, and more durable ”Red oak” is usually of coarser texture, more porous, often brittle, less durable, and eventhan white oak In carpentry and furniture work red oak brings the same price at present as white oak The red oaks everywhere accompany the white oaks, and, like the latter, are usually represented by several species in any given locality ”Live oak,” once largely eood qualities, except that of size, of white oak, even to a greater degree It is one of the heaviest, hardest, toughest, and most durable woods of this country In structure it resembles the red oak, but is less porous
=65 White Oak= (_Quercus alba_) (Aht brown, sapwood lighter color Annual rings well , heavy, hard, liable to check in seasoning, durable in contact with the soil, takes a high polish, very elastic, does not shrink ricultural implements, tool handles, furniture, fixtures, interior finish, car and wagon construction, beae, railway ties, etc, etc Because of the broad enerally ”quarter-sawn” for cabinet work and furniture Common in the Eastern States, Ohio and Mississippi Valleys Occurs throughout the eastern United States
=66 White Oak= (_Quercus durandii_) Medium- to small-sized tree Wood in its quality and uses si Texas, eastward to Alabaarryana_) (Western White Oak) Mediuer, more durable, and wood ton to California
=68 White Oak= (_Quercus lobata_) Mediuest oak on the Pacific Coast Wood in its quality and uses sirained California
=69 Bur Oak= (_Quercus e-sized tree Heartwood ”oak” brown, sapwood lighter color Wood heavy, strong, close-grained, durable in contact with the soil Used in shi+p- and boatbuilding, all sorts of construction, interior finish of houses, cabinet work, tight cooperage, carriage and wagon work, agricultural implements, railway ties, etc, etc One of the most valuable and most widely distributed of Aht, and, unlikeclimatic conditions It is one of the most durable woods when in contact with the soil Coes from Manitoba to Texas, and from the foot hills of the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Coast It is the most abundant oak of Kansas and Nebraska, and fors”
of Minnesota
=70 Willow Oak= (_Quercus phellos_) (Peach oak) Small to hter color Wood heavy, hard, strong, coarse-grained Occasionally used in construction New York to Texas, and northward to Kentucky
=71 Swamp White Oak= (_Quercus bicolor_ var _platanoides_)
Large-sized tree Heartwood pale brown, sapwood the sarained, checks considerably in seasoning Used in construction, interior finish of houses, carriage-and boatbuilding, agricultural i, etc, etc Ranges froia and ard to Arkansas Never abundant Most abundant in the Lake States
=72 Over-Cup Oak= (_Quercus lyrata_) (Swae-sized tree, rather restricted, as it grows in the swaer tree than most of the other oaks, and produces an excellent tirows in districts difficult of access, and is not much used Lower Mississippi and eastward to Delaware
=73 Pin Oak= (_Quercus palustris_) (Swae-sized tree Heartwood pale broith dark-colored sap wood Wood heavy, strong, and coarse-grained Coreatest size in the valley of the Ohio Arkansas to Wisconsin, and eastward to the Alleghanies
=74 Water Oak= (_Quercus aquatica_) (Duck Oak, Possurowth Eastern Gulf States, eastward to Delaware and northward to Missouri and Kentucky
=75 Chestnut Oak= (_Quercus prinus_) (Yellow Oak, Rock Oak, Rock Chestnut Oak) Heartwood dark brown, sapwood lighter color Wood heavy, hard, strong, tough, close-grained, durable in contact with the soil Used for railway ties, fencing, fuel, and locally for construction Ranges froh Ohio, and southward to Kentucky and Tennessee
=76 Yellow Oak= (_Quercus acue-sized tree Heartwood dark brown, sapwood pale brown
Wood heavy, hard, strong, close-grained, durable in contact with the soil Used in the e, for railway ties, fencing, etc, etc Ranges from New York to Nebraska and eastern Kansas, southward in the Atlantic region to the District of Coluhanies southward to the Gulf States