Chapter 202 (1/2)

Chapter 202: hell King (3)

Translation: Nadu

Edit: Sephtair

The people couldn't unite

They couldn't cooperate, and couldn't trust each other

After Reign Gun's death, the increased punishst the their oay about noble Castle also didn't help They only kne to build their own clan, they never did anything in the interests of the whole noble Castle

Also, it was the first time that noble Castle had been invaded froinated fro, they needed to quickly react, but the speed hich Muyoung acted was too fast

Looking at the horrific scene that was in front of him, Alan shuddered with his whole body

‘It's hell This is hell…'

Endless screa and collapsing as they turned to ashes

The world was red, and even the towers that reached the sky seemed like symbols of a curse

Even the paladins, who had experienced all kinds of training, were lost for words

What could they say?

The monsters didn't kill those who kneeled However, those who didn't were ruthlessly slaughtered, without any hesitation

Seeing the abdomens of the resistors split open and their intestines and other internal organs pouring out didn't seem real to the paladins

It seemed more like hell than the real world

“Shouldn't we… help them?”

Alan tried his best to speak from his heart

He felt like he needed to help He was a rank 1 priest, and followed the holy words to always live by helping others

However, his feet didn't et the words out

The paladins weren't too enthusiastic either

“It is better to return to Mulalan and get their help”

“I don't want to admit it but with just us, it wouldn't be much of a help”

It was obvious for the paladins to be dissuasive

Trying to beat a rock with an egg?


They weren't even eggs If they could co to beat a rock with bubbles

If you were to hit an egg against a rock, there would at least be traces left, but bubbles just popped They couldn't leave a trace

“How can we leave this place and ask for relief?”

Alan's voice sounded as if there was no hope

They couldn't even leave They were trapped inside a tower Even if they were to try and leave, they would need to fight against the monsters

“At least… the kids I would like to save at least the kids”

Alan defined the s as evil

He started the war and was currently carrying out a massacre

Mercy to those who kneel?

Just because he showed that one mercy, doesn't mean what he did could be justified

Either way, he was an invader That truth didn't change no ht have

The monsters only let live those who kneeled Besides them, they didn't differentiate between an adult or a child It was the hurdle of simple commands


“I won't tell everyone to follow o”

Priest Alan tried to do as right

His duties as a priest of Mulalan, as an adult

If he didn't do it himself, it would really become hell Without any hope, order, or affection towards one another

He didn't want it to become that sort of a world

This hat all the priests of Mulalan wanted

Even if there was only evil in this world, he wanted to be good

This desire was the essential virtue of priests

‘I will not abide by evil'

Alanand accepting

This was also the san clan and the other clans to resist and to fight back a biteveryone's ene their desires'

Desires were hope

It was possible to beco at a tremendous speed if the desire to live was co beco?

No He

Of course, one couldn't overlook the amount of information he possessed, but there were plenty who had lots of infor

This happened because they didn't share what they knew, and tried to pursue their own gains

Muyoung was planning to rectify this h

Even if this was extreme, there needed to be so had that sort of role, but he failed

‘Hansung, his heart wasn't tough enough'

If he was a bit harsher

If he kneithstand things a bit longer

Hansung would have succeeded in the transforained the strength to fight against evil

However, Hansung wasn't harsh enough He wasn't willing to start a war against other huh their blood, walk the darkened path

On the other hand…

‘I' would walk that path

Consequently, he was planning to become not just the demon Gods' ene wanted to as long and dangerous It was the path that no one would recognize or care to take, a path he would walk alone

As it was so I need to do is release the knowledge'

The noble Castle was especially closed up

The amount of inforination

That was how places like the Advance clan's Six Sages were created

There was so much information that even they didn't know all of as inside

Therefore, the first place Muyoung headed to was the Advance Clan

As he stretched his hand, with a zap like sound, he was able to s

The Advance Clan had activated a barrier

A comprehensive defensive barrier

‘It's funny'

However, to Muyoung, it just seemed like a cute act

It could be easily removed if he called Seo Eunsae Her extensive ability to analyze enabled her to be the first to find out about the 45th tower and hell Path

But, Muyoung didn't call Eunsae

Instead, he raised his hand and increased the size of his holy flae sphere

It's size slowly increased

Then, a huge seise occurred