Part 5 (1/2)
I hear the writhing lash of serpents huge resound
Whoibbering there with scattered lirant his quest Then coe all your torches--rend me--burn!
For lo, my bosoeful Goddesses depart And go in peace down to the lowest shades of hell
And do thou leave me to myself, and let this hand That slew thee with the sword now offer sacrifice Unto thy shade
Roused to the point of action by this vision, and still at the very pitch of frenzy, she plunges her dagger into the first of her sons (The poet thus violates the canons of the classical drae)
But now hoarse shouts and the quick tra of
What sudden uproar meets my ear?
'Tis Corinth's citizens on my destruction bent
Unto the palace roof I'll mount, and there complete This bloody sacrifice
[_To her other son_] Do thou come hence with me; But thee, poor senseless corse, within ird thyself, th Nor must this deed Lose all its just renown because in secret done; But to the public eye my handone son, terrified and reluctant, and bearing the body of her other child in her arms Jason and a crowd of Corinthian citizens rush upon the stage Stopping in front of his own palace, he shouts:
Ho, all ye loyal sons who s!
Come, let us seize the worker of this hideous criround
At this es upon the palace roof
_Medea_ No have I regained ain the Colchians hold the spoil Of precious gold, and by the ic of this hour I ath! O festal hour! O nuptial day! On! on!
Accouilt, but not the reco to act
Why dost thou linger still? Why dost thou hesitate Upon the threshold of the deed? Thou canst perform it
Norath has died within me, and my soul is filled With shame and deep remorse Ah me, what have I done, Wretch that I am? Wretch that thou art, well ht delirious joy O'errieve
And yet, less, Since Jason saw it not; for naught has been perforht
_Jason_ [_discovering her_] Lo, there she stands upon the lofty battle torches! Fire the house! That she may fall ensnared By those devices she herself hath planned
_Medea_ [_derisively_] Not so; But rather build a lofty pyre for these thy sons; Their funeral rites prepare Already for thy bride And father have I done the service due the dead; For in their ruined palace have I buried them
One son of thine has met his doom; and this shall die Before his father's face--
_Jason_ By all the Gods, and by the perils of our flight, And by our e bond which I have ne'er betrayed, I pray thee spare the boy, for he is innocent
If aught of sin there be, 'tis uilty soul for his
_Medea_ 'Tis for thy prayers and tears I draw, not sheathe the sword
Go now, and take thee maids for wives, thou faithless one; Abandon and betray the mother of thy sons
_Jason_ And yet, I pray thee, let one sacrifice atone
_Medea_ If in the blood of one ht Though both my sons I slay, The nurief
_Jason_ Then finish what thou hast begun-- I ask no ony