Part 16 (1/2)


She works herself up to a frenzy, and as she finishes she turns to leave hiers, and falls The servants carry her fro between love and duty Meanwhile the Trojan preparations go on with feverish haste The shi+ps are launched, hurried final preparations made, and all is now ready for departure Dido sends her sister to aeneas with one last appeal, but all in vain No tears or prayers can e pyre built within her palace court under the pretense of ic rites which shall free her fro on their oars; the queen, in sleepless torhten, the sailors are heard singing in the distance as they joyfully hoist their sails

Dido rushes to herand beholds the fleet just putting out from shore She cries aloud in io and mock our royal power?

Why not to arms, and send our forces in pursuit, And bid them hurry down the vessels from the shore?

Ho there, my men, quick, fetch the torches, seize your ar? where am I?

What madness turns my brain? Oback to thee?

Such fate was just when thou didst yield thy scepter up-- Lo, _there's_ the fealty of him who, ru bears, And on his shoulders bore his sire fro Troy!

Why could I not have torn his body limb from limb, And strewed his members on the deep? and slain his friends, His son Aschanius, and served his ht have had A doubtful issue--Grant it ht have fired his camp, His shi+ps, and wrapped in coiven myself to crown the doo rays dost see All rievous cares of wedlock; thou ild And shrieking woh the dusky streets, O Hecate; and ye avenging Furies--ye, The Gods of failing Dido, come and bend your power To these my woes and hear my prayer If yonder wretch Must enter port and reach his land decreed by fate, If thus the laws of Jove ordain, this order holds; But, torn in war, a hardy people's foe Iulus' arer's aid, and may he see The death of er peace on doubtful terdom or in life; But may he fall untimely, and unburied lie Upon some solitary strand This, this I pray, And with my latest breath this final wish proclaim

Then, O my Tyrians, with a bitter hate pursue The whole accursed race, and send this to my shade As welcome tribute Let there be no amity Between our peoples Rise thou froer, ith deadly sword and brand Shall scathe the Trojan exiles, now, in tith shall favor Be our shores To shores opposed, our waves to waves, and arh all posterity


With this prophetic curse, to be fulfilled centuries hence, on the bloody fields of the Trebia, Trasumenus, and of Cannae, she snatches up aeneas' sword, rushes out of the room, and mounts the pyre which she has prepared Here have been placed all the objects which her Trojan lover has left behind Passionately kissing these and pressing thees of my lord, while fate and God allowed, Accept this soul of mine, and free me from my cares

For I have lived and run the course that Fortune set; And now my stately soul to Hades shall descend

A noble city have I built; ed, and on my brother's head my wrath Inflicted Happy, ah too happy, had the keels Of Troy ne'er touched my shores!--And shall I perish thus?-- But let me perish Thus, oh thus, 'tis sweet to seek The land of shadows--May the heartless Trojan see, As on he fares across the deep, loo, she falls upon the sword and perishes The report of the queen's tragic death

runs wild through the convulsed city With wailing and groaning, and screahty cries and beating of breasts--even as if the foe were to burst the gates and topple down Carthage or ancient Tyre, and the infuriate flas of ton

With the southern sky lare of Dido's funeral pyre, aeneas sails aith sad forebodings, and coain to Sicily By chance this return to Sicily has fallen upon the anniversary of Anchises' death aeneas therefore determines to hold a solemn festival in honor of his father, which he celebrates with the accustoress, by thewanderings, attempt to burn the fleet

But the vessels are saved, with the loss of four, by the miraculous intervention of Jupiter aeneas thereupon is advised by Nautes, a Trojan prince, to build a town here in Sicily, and to leave behind all those who have groeak or out of syreat enterprise

This advice is ratified by the shade of Anchises, who gives aeneas further direction for his way

My son, more dear, while life re exercised and trained In Ilium's destiny, My errand is from Jove the sire, Who saved your vessels from the fire, And sent at last from heaven above The wished-for token of his love

Hear and obey the counsel sage Bestowed by Nautes' reverend age: Picked youths, the bravest of the brave, Be these your cohty are the tribes and rude That Latium has to be subdued

But ere you yet confront the foe, First seek the halls of Dis below, Pass deep Avernus' vale, and meet Your father in his own retreat

Not Tartarus' prison-house of crime Detains me, nor the hteous souls, 'ore Of sable sheep shall ope the door; Then shall you learn your future line, And what the walls the Fates assign

And now farewell: dew-sprinkled Night Has scaled Oly breath froton

Moved by this vision, aeneas builds a town for the dispiritedAcestes, sets his face once more toward Italy This time, by Venus' aid, he reaches the Italian port of cumae, with no misadventure except the loss of his faithful pilot, Palinurus

Once more on land, the Trojans joyfully scour the woods, seek out fresh springs of water, and collect fuel for their fires aeneas, however, turns his steps to the teuidance of the God upon his further way But most of all it is upon the hero's heart to visit his father in the underworld according to the mandate of his father's shade in Sicily At the advice of the Sibyl who presides over the temple of Apollo, aeneas performs the necessary rites preli the dread cave near Lake Avernus, they take their gloomy way below

Obscure they went thro' dreary shades, that led Along the waste dominions of the dead

Thus wander travelers in wood by night, By the ht, When Jove in dusky clouds involves the skies, And the faint crescent shoots by fits before their eyes


They reach at last the gates of Hades, where hover the dreadful shapes of Cares, Disease and Death, Want, Fah these they fare, and stand upon the sedgy bank of the river of death