Chapter 8 - Time Spent In Nature (1/2)

The Fugitive Kelly_Starrz 57620K 2022-07-20

Esme reached the apartment complex without any issues; her senses were on high alert the whole time she walked home, but nothing suspicious caught her attention. Once she was in, she threw her bag on the couch and placed her phone on charge, leaning against the kitchen counter and looking at her depressing department. It was quiet, something she was now familiar with, but tonight, for once, she did not find comfort in it. Her mind flashed to Hana and Leo leaving with their friends at ONYX.

”It is for the best,” Isana sighed as they felt the hollow emptiness in their chest. It was a statement she had to remind herself; some places she stayed were easier than others, and it seemed this time, Chester was a little harder to reside in. Making friends never guaranteed her or their survival. But she still became bitter from distancing herself.

Wolves by instinct were pack animals; even rogues preferred the company of another. If they found their mate, then they were content, or they would befriend humans in neutral zones where pack territories didn't overlap. ”You still have me, chick.” Esme smiled at Isana's words; she would always have Isana and that she was eternally grateful for at least.

Esme opened the patio door and hopped up onto the balcony railing; in a crouched position, she kept her hands grasped at the tarnished paint as she stared at the security cameras and the road across from her. Nobody could see her; it was nearly 4am, and the cameras were not pointed in her direction. She knew that the only sleep that awaited her was filled with nightmares, and she would end up waking up groggy.

Esme gracefully hopped off the balcony and landed on the grass below; she pushed off from the wet grass and walked casually in the direction of where she knew the city would slowly turn to the countryside. As soon as she saw the first signs of trees, Esme started jogging into the woods. Once she knew no passing humans (if there were any at that time) could see her, she began to strip and left her clothes in a plastic bag she kept tied to a tree. This wasn't her first time streaking in the woods.

Her body shivered from the chilled night air, but she knew soon enough her fur would keep her warm. She jogged forwards and let her body begin to tremble, and she shifted into her wolf form. She felt like she could finally breathe, and instead of running herself, she let Isana take control of her body. Her wolf was delighted and instantly came to the forefront of her mind, pushing Esme back into 'viewer mode', as she liked to put it. For the next two hours, Isana ran through the woods free, letting her legs burn and her lungs gasp for air.

It was exactly what they needed.

Isana yawned loudly, her snout scrunching up and her jaw widening, revealing her sharp canines. ”Hmm, you okay to return?” Her wolf asked but already threw 'the reins' back to Esme, who was startled and thrust back into control of her body.

She started to shift back into her human form when she realised their location. Walking naked among the array of trees, Esme enjoyed the feeling of the earth beneath her feet, the fallen red and brown leaves crunching beneath her toes. The gentle breeze flowed through her dishevelled hair that now looked as dark as the night sky.

The she-wolf reached behind a tree she marked with a tiny cross carving in the bark and pulled back the small bag with her shorts and a sports bra in. She put them on quickly before sitting down at the edge of the eroding cliff. Below her feet was a vast valley with a river passing through. It was the perfect view and the perfect spot for hunting.

After eying her surroundings, Esme lay down on the cold ground, her dark brown hair fanned out against the grass as she listened to the beat of her heart thrumming loudly for all nearby to hear. Her body was tired, but her mindfully awake; she was tuned into every little detail of the forest around her. The rustle of leaves from trees, the sound of an animal scurrying nearby and the smell of damp moss and wet trees filling her nostrils as she stared up at the almighty sky, the stars shining brightly against its black canvas. And then there at the centre of her universe was the moon, crescent in shape as though she, the Moon Goddess, was shy of revealing her 'brilliance' to the world.

”The stars, they shine for you, my dear. And the moon shines brightest of them all. If ever you find yourself afraid, look to the stars and seek help from the Moon Goddess, for she gifted us these powers. The power of the wolf that will one day be gifted to you.”

Little Esme clung to her mother's shirt, staring up at the night sky like her mother told her to, but the warmth of her hug was what truly brought her peace. They were in an unknown location in the middle of the night, and she could feel her mother's anxiousness along with the scary shadows creeping towards her. But after some time, her mother's beautiful face was clear before her as Esme stared at her instead. She could not grasp why they were there or why her mother looked so sad; her dark brown eyes twinkled with unshed tears.

Esme reached up, her little hand touching her mother's smooth cheek, who turned to look at her, her eyes softening at her child, the tears streaking down her face. ”Mumma, I will tell off who made you sad! You just tell me! I will protect you!” Esme's face was set in determination as the youngster tried to figure out who would do such a thing. Her mother chuckled, her smile brightening up her face, and she wiped away her tears and leaned her head against Esme's.

”No one else will make me sad. It's just you and me now, Es,” Her mother sniffled, staring back into her daughter's dark eyes.

Esme continued to stare at the sky as her memory faded away like the easy breeze of the wind. She was no longer afraid of the dark, but she clung to those words like a child to their blanket when the days became too much to bear. Though inevitably, it was not enough in the end. The times she sought out the Moon Goddess, pleading for guidance, for help, but she received none.

Esme's eyes hardened as she glared at the moon. The Goddess of Night was nothing more than a higher being playing with their dolls, throwing them away when there was no use for them.

”Easy, Es. She can still hear us.”

”She knows how I feel about her. Why fake a love I do not feel for her,” Esme replied sharply to Isana. Her wolf went quiet; unlike Esme, she was a little more concerned with the Goddess' wrath, but in Esme's mind, she had already been cursed and forgotten about. The she-wolf wasn't clouded in self-pity, but she refused to praise the Goddess.

Esme continued to lay there watching the moon slowly guide its way down to the earth, and soon after, she saw Eos, the Goddess of Dawn, rise and kiss the ground with her light. Esme sat up and enjoyed the view, fascinated by the grass glistening in the early morning dew. The wind brushed against her skin along with the light making its way up her body, the warmth relieving the built-up stress among her tight shoulders. She stayed there a while, watching and listening to the wildlife starting their morning routines of surviving in their little habitat.

Esme inhaled deeply, her eyes closed, relishing the last of her peace before reluctantly getting up and undressing once more. Her time in the wilderness came to an abrupt end. After placing her clothes back in their hiding spot, she shifted and sprinted back through the woods until gradually the trees became less and the sights of the city stood tall in the distance. Esme picked her clothes up from where she left them, changed into her outfit from the night before, and walked back towards her apartment complex.

The she-wolf guessed the time to be around 7am now; the place was still and quiet, perfect for her to sneakily climb back up to her balcony. She jumped up to the first-floor balcony and climbed up the plumbing on one side before hopping onto her balcony floor. She pulled the patio door back, the usual noise of protest loud even for human's ears. Her eyes instinctively searched her apartment, her body tense, but there were no unusual scents or anything out of place.

After checking her place was safe, Esme's body sagged before removing her boots and collapsing on the sofa. Sleep seemed to finally catch up to her, and she happily obliged to her body's needs. Within seconds her world went dark.

Esme's lids fluttered open, startled by a vibrating noise, but the quick scan of her room didn't alarm her to any intruder. She shut her eyes again. The vibrating noise made her open her eyes once more; this time, she was more alert and jumped off the couch, her leg still caught from the blanket wrapped around her. When did she pull this over her?

It didn't matter; her phone was vibrating on the kitchen counter. Esme checked the caller's name, and her brows furrowed at the unknown number. She flipped it open and waited silently, holding her breath as her other hand held onto the edge of the counter, her claws scratching the surface.

”Esme! I've been trying to get a hold of you, girl!”