Chapter 65 - I Am Guilty.. (1/2)

The Fugitive Kelly_Starrz 38390K 2022-07-20

Esme trudged the short walk it took for her to arrive at ONYX. She shook her head at a loss for words at Lenny's shamelessness, but at the same time, she knew he was looking out for her. The last apartment she stayed in had an intruder, and Lenny probably believed his security was tight enough and his reputation well known that nobody would try entering her apartment. But he was wrong; if her little phantom friend wanted to find her, he would.

The she-wolf entered the building from the other side of the nightclub and bars, and in a daze, entered the elevator, closing her eyes and breathing deeply to sudden fast drumming of her heart. She was only in a lift; this was not a cage, Ethan was not here. Esme still felt disturbed by how much she had changed since leaving the Hellhounds. To have gone from a heartless assassin to a lovestruck fool and a cowering girl before her mate, she was now left with scars and nightmares. If her mother could see her now, she would turn her back on her for her weakness.

”I don't think she would turn her back on you,” Isana whispered as she too listened to Esme's calming breathing technique.

”Ya think?” Esme chuckled aloud. ”The woman who disowned us for finding our mate and not finishing the mission.. After everything, I did for her..”

Esme silenced her words when the vibration below her feet increased and stopped, and the electronic noise of the elevator decreased, and the sweet smell of Gabriel wafted to her nose along with another vampire's scent. She opened her eyes and slammed the door open, jumping out and inhaling deeply as though there was no oxygen in the lift at all.

Esme released her breath and halted at the sight of Niko and Gabriel. She looked between them and felt the sudden horror creep into her bones from the sight of them conversing with one another. She eyed Gabriel warily, his expression was stony, and his eyes narrowed at her entrance. Was this why Gabriel sounded the way he did on the phone?

”Shit. This is how we die.. Esme.. It has been a pleasure..” Isana began dramatically, and Esme couldn't help but roll her eyes.

”We might stand a chance-”

”VAMPIRE KING!” Isana shouted in her head, making Esme flinch and rub at her temples with an infuriated sigh.

”I meant.. We might have a chance at escaping. Not fighting him..” She gritted out. Then stopped speaking to her wolf when she realised Gabriel's attention was still on her, and his face turned into one of amusement. Could he hear their conversation right now?

Gabriel nodded his head once, then looked back at Niko, who bowed to him and glanced in Esme's direction, his features a mixture of emotions that Esme had no time to think about. Her most pressing issue was the demon who looked like an angel before her.

A sexy.. She shook her head. ”Do not get sidetracked! This is life and death right now, even if he is casually strolling towards us like that..” Isana's voice wavered with a sigh at the approaching deadly vampire that was far too captivating for Esme to handle.

Gabriel was like a predator stalking his prey; the look behind his eyes made her legs almost quiver but in need. Esme shook her head; this was not the time to be admiring this handsome devil that might very well be stalking his prey and ready to devour her whole. Did Niko tell Gabriel she was..

He stopped just before her, tilting his head to the side. Esme realised the vampire had been listening in on her thoughts; she narrowed her eyes at the intrusion. She could actually feel him in her mind; he felt like an icy caress trying to get her to open up. Instead, the she-wolf put all her effort into pushing him out, like Esme would with Isana when her wolf had been naughty. She watched Gabriel flinch and felt the cold mist of his power, trying to find a way in again, yet finding no crack or hole.

”Please stop,” She whispered, looking down from his icy stare.

”It's in my nature, Es. I'm sorry. I will stop now,” Gabriel replied quietly, then gestured for her to take a seat at the leather sofas in front of his bar. Esme pursed her lips and slid her bag down next to the couch before plopping down, not so elegantly.

”If you want to know something about me, then ask, Gabriel. That is what normal people without such powers do,” Esme replied dryly but bit her lip at the sharp gaze he shot her way as he went behind the bar across from her.

”Hmmm, but would you tell me, Esme?” He countered, ”You are full of secrets.”

”Everyone has their secrets,” She murmured and looked back down at her hands. She felt like Gabriel's piercing eyes could read her mind without his powers if he continued to stare into hers, even from the small distance of furniture between them.

Gabriel tapped his finger, most likely in annoyance, but instead of pushing her further, he asked, ”What do you want to drink?”

Esme blinked quickly in surprise and looked back at him like he spoke a different language. He never seemed to push her too far, or was he going to put wolfsbane in the drink? She smiled slyly at the idea; it wouldn't affect her in any way. ”Water, please,” She replied politely, almost too sweetly.