Chapter 134 - Holiday Mode (1/2)

The Fugitive Kelly_Starrz 34430K 2022-07-20

Esme's mind was pulled into this dream; she was walking towards the large palace this time. On closer inspection, and Esme's mind aware that she was in this dream, she realised it was built similar to Greek architecture, using marble for the pillars and parts decorated in gold. Although she was aware of her dream, she wasn't completely lucid dreaming, whereby she had no control over her body.

She walked to the right of the building, away from the guards and followed to the wall. Once she was at a safe distance away from guards and servants, she stepped into the shade of the wall and dissolved into it, walking through the wall and appeared the other side. She stayed as this shadow form, clinging to the wall while she surveyed the small garden before stepping forwards and returning to her normal body.

The garden had a clear pond with a small bridge that met the white steps leading to this section of the palace. The rest of the garden was full of apple trees and benches set in the shade. Esme walked towards one of the trees, suddenly feeling peckish after a few hours of sleep.

”Nyx! By the gods, where have you been!?”


She paused momentarily before pulling the apple away and crunching into it, licking her lips from the sweetness. Turning around, she faced Acacius, one of her servants who looked flabbergasted. His curly black hair fell just above his forehead, his olive complexion slightly shining from no doubt running around searching for her. The short chiton he wore revealed his muscular stature and the stocky calves he most likely got, again from running around after her.

Acacius searched the small garden then approached her, walking across the bridge. Nyx met him halfway, still eating her apple nonchalantly. ”Acacius, dear, you look tired. Whatever is wrong?” She sauntered past him.

”You are leading me to an early grave, Nyx. Please have some pity for me.. You are not the easiest to serve,” Acacius muttered behind her. He lowered his head when she turned to look at him, showing his respect.

”If it makes you feel better, I can always speak to a certain God of the underworld to save a good spot for you?” Nyx smirked when his face paled, and she turned back around to go inside the palace. ”Now, why have you been looking for me today?”

”You can be so meaaaan...” Acacius moaned, then dropped his tone at her side glance. Out of all her servants, he and one other were the only ones to speak to her so comfortably. He sighed. ”Your father has called for you.”

Nyx stopped and threw the apple aside. ”How long has he been waiting?” She asked quietly.

”A w-while,” Acacius stuttered, from fear of the shadows starting to circulate nearby and going towards her.



Esme's eyes shot open, and she hopped to her feet into a crouch, reaching for her knife. Her heart pounded loudly, the sleep still in her eyes as she searched her surroundings and saw Marcus standing across from her, his hands raised. She blinked and lowered her hand after realising she had left her knife with her clothes in the woods near Chester. She shook her head, realising how bold she must have become overnight after finding out her mate was the Vampire King.

The she-wolf squeezed her eyes shut and reluctantly opened them again, turning away from the sun. ”Was I out for long?” She inquired.

”Not too long, thirty minutes? Your snoring was interrupting my peaceful time with the animals,” Marcus joked and smirked when she glared at him.

”I do not snore!” She argued and plopped her butt on the rock again.

”You don't, no. But I had to wake you. I heard movement nearby; I'm not sure if it's a rogue or something else. Wanna check it out?” He asked, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief, making Esme's eyes light up.