Part 10 (1/2)
”I don't care to sail far, Garry; and I think it's enough to have coh here where the Devil doesn't h,” retorted Pen ”O, when I think I have already forgotten how gin tastes!”
”But,” said Bolton, ”remember what the doctor said”
”O,” answered Pen, with his rough voice, ”that's all very well to say!
I fancy that they are econo our health”
”Perhaps that devil Pen is right,” said Gripper
”Come, come!” replied Bolton, ”his nose is too red for that; and if a little abstinence should make it a trifle paler, Pen won't need to be pitied”
”Don't trouble yourself about my nose,” was the answer, for Pen was rather vexed ”My nose doesn't need your advice; it doesn't ask for it; you'd better ry, Pen; I didn't think your nose was so tender I should be as glad as any one else to have a glass of whiskey, especially on such a cold day; but if in the long run it doeswithout it”
”Youwithout it,” said Warren, the stoker, who had joined the without it”
”What do youat him intently
”I mean that for one purpose or another there is liquor aboard, and I fancy that aft they don't get on without it”
”What do you know about it?” asked Garry
Warren could not answer; he spoke for the sake of speaking
”You see, Garry,” continued Bolton, ”that Warren knows nothing about it”
”Well,” said Pen, ”we'll ask the coin; we deserve it, and we'll see what he'll say”
”I advise you not to,” said Garry
”Why not?” cried Pen and Gripper
”Because the commander will refuse it You knehat the conditions hen you shi+pped; you ought to think of that now”
”Besides,” said Bolton, as not averse to taking Garry's side, for he liked him, ”Richard Shandon is not master; he's under orders like the rest of us”
”Whose orders?” asked Pen
”The captain's”
”Ah, that ridiculous captain's!” cried Pen ”Don't you know there's no more captain than there is tavern on the ice? That's apolitely e ask for”