Part 8 (1/2)
”We sha'n't want these much when all the new things come; see if we do,”
said cheerful little Betty, who always found out a silver lining to every cloud.
Ben was not too tired, and the clearing-up began that very night. None too soon, for in a day or two things arrived, to the great delight of the children, who considered moving a most interesting play. First came the phaeton, which Ben spent all his leisure moments in admiring; wondering with secret envy what happy boy would ride in the little seat up behind, and beguiling his tasks by planning how, when he got rich, he would pa.s.s his time driving about in just such an equipage, and inviting all the boys he met to have a ride.
Then a load of furniture came creaking in at the lodge gate, and the girls had raptures over a cottage piano, several small chairs, and a little low table, which they p.r.o.nounced just the thing for them to play at. The live stock appeared next, creating a great stir in the neighborhood, for peac.o.c.ks were rare birds there; the donkey's bray startled the cattle and convulsed the people with laughter; the rabbits were continually getting out to burrow in the newly made garden; and Chevalita scandalized old Duke by dancing about the stable which he had inhabited for years in stately solitude.
Last but by no means least, Miss Celia, her young brother, and two maids arrived one evening so late that only Mrs. Moss went over to help them settle. The children were much disappointed, but were appeased by a promise that they should all go to pay their respects in the morning.
They were up so early, and were so impatient to be off, that Mrs. Moss let them go with the warning that they would find only the servants astir. She was mistaken, however, for, as the procession approached, a voice from the porch called out, ”Good-morning little neighbors!” so unexpectedly, that Bab nearly spilt the new milk she carried, Betty gave such a start that the fresh-laid eggs quite skipped in the dish, and Ben's face broke into a broad grin over the armful of clover which he brought for the bunnies, as he bobbed his head, saying briskly,--
”She's all right, miss, Lita is; and I can bring her over any minute you say.”
”I shall want her at four o'clock. Th.o.r.n.y will be too tired to drive, but I must hear from the post-office, rain or s.h.i.+ne;” and Miss Celia's pretty color brightened as she spoke, either from some happy thought or because she was bashful, for the honest young faces before her plainly showed their admiration of the white-gowned lady under the honeysuckles.
The appearance of Miranda, the maid, reminded the children of their errand; and having delivered their offerings, they were about to retire in some confusion, when Miss Celia said pleasantly,--
”I want to thank you for helping put things in such nice order. I see signs of busy hands and feet both inside the house and all about the grounds, and I am very much obliged.”
”I raked the beds,” said Ben, proudly eying the neat ovals and circles.
”I swept all the paths,” added Bab, with a reproachful glance at several green sprigs fallen from the load of clover on the smooth walk.
”I cleared up the porch,” and Betty's clean pinafore rose and fell with a long sigh, as she surveyed the late summer residence of her exiled family. Miss Celia guessed the meaning of that sigh, and made haste to turn it into a smile by asking anxiously,--
”What has become of the playthings? I don't see them anywhere.”
”Ma said you wouldn't want our duds round, so we took them all home,”
answered Betty, with a wistful face.
”But I do want them round. I like dolls and toys almost as much as ever, and quite miss the little 'duds' from porch and path. Suppose you come to tea with me to-night and bring some of them back? I should be very sorry to rob you of your pleasant play-place.”
”Oh, yes, 'm, we'd love to come! and we'll bring our best things.”
”Ma always lets us have our s.h.i.+ny pitchers and the china poodle when we go visiting or have company at home,” said Bab and Betty, both speaking at once.
”Bring what you like, and I'll hunt up my toys, too. Ben is to come also, and his poodle is especially invited,” added Miss Celia, as Sancho came and begged before her, feeling that some agreeable project was under discussion.
”Thank you, miss. I told them you'd be willing they should come sometimes. They like this place ever so much, and so do I,” said Ben, feeling that few spots combined so many advantages in the way of climbable trees, arched gates, half-a-dozen gables, and other charms suited to the taste of an aspiring youth who had been a flying Cupid at the age of seven.
”So do I,” echoed Miss Celia, heartily. ”Ten years ago I came here a little girl, and made lilac chains under these very bushes, and picked chickweed over there for my bird, and rode Th.o.r.n.y in his baby-wagon up and down these paths. Grandpa lived here then, and we had fine times; but now they are all gone except us two.”
”We haven't got any father, either,” said Bab, for something in Miss Celia's face made her feel as if a cloud had come over the sun.
”I have a first-rate father, if I only knew where he'd gone to,” said Ben, looking down the path as eagerly as if one waited for him behind the locked gate.