Chapter 3 (1/2)

Very Much 3 I can’t say no to 69


hat evening, Colette put the

Lionel’s s.h.i.+rt in a basket and left the maids’ dormitory.

This time, she would leave as soon

as she returned the s.h.i.+rt. If he propositioned her again, she would tell him

that they both had fiancés and they need to stop whatever this was.

Since, he was the Commander of the

Black Dragon Knights; he won’t do anything against a lady’s will. (Zuben: You

don’t know many men, do you?) Therefore, if she refused calmly, he would let

her go peacefully.

As she came out of her building,

she came across a Black Knight standing in the way. It was the female knight

who had come to her in the morning,

‘I will escort you,’ she said.

Colette was surprised and gave

short bow,

‘I am sorry to trouble you. I can

go alone.’

‘No. Even though, it is the Royal

Castle, I don’t think a woman should walk around by herself at night.’

‘But…you’re also a woman.’ Colette

replied. The knight was surprised.

‘Well, I am like a man; I am

constantly training my body.’ She said in protest.

‘Don’t be silly, you’re a very

beautiful woman.’

While the knight was taller than

most women, she had a grace that was completely different from a man. Surely,

when she was in town, the knight must have lots of admirers looking at her with


‘You’re just saying that. You’re a

kind person, Colette.’

‘I’m not just saying it. This is

what I think, truly.’

‘No one has ever told me that

before. It is rather pleasant.’ The knight said shyly.

Colette wondered if the knight had

low self esteem about her looks. Although, she made the knight shy, she seemed

to sparkle a bit too. It made Colette happy.

Lionel would tell her she was

pretty and cute, too, in that situation.

But after thinking about it, she

doubted the knight and Lionel were in that kind of relations.h.i.+p. She did not

believe Lionel would hara.s.s a member of his own team, even if they were a

woman. Colette felt bad for thinking about such things.

‘I am sorry I am late in

introducing myself, I am Margo.’

‘Thank you, Margo, for especially

coming to escort me.’

‘Actually, the Commander asked me

to do so.’ Margo said sheepishly.


‘I did offer to come and get you.’

It was still early in the evening,

so there were people about. But, since she was walking with a knight no one

bothered her. (Zuben: No one bothered you the last time.) There would be no weird


As soon as she saw him, she was

going to declare that she wasn’t coming anymore. She had to make sure she did

not get deeper into this affair. She needed to do this for Margo’s sake, Colette

decided. (Zuben: If not for yours)

‘Thank you for coming anyway’ Colette

said, she reached into her basket for a handkerchief (Zuben: A magic

handkerchief basket!), ‘If it pleases you, please take this silk handkerchief;

it was embroidered by my family’s shop.’

‘Wow really? Thank you. It’s my

first time being given something so lovely.’

‘I am glad, please accept it. What

should I do if I am rude?’

‘There is no such thing. You can

talk informally. Please feel free to call me by my name.’

‘Is this truly alright? I am a mere


‘It is. Even if I am from

aristocracy, my father is a mere country viscount. I am his third child of

seven children. We are rather poor.’ Margo said with a laugh.

She was rather friendly, Colette

was surprised but happy.

‘Thank you, I am happy to have a

new friend.’

‘Me too. There aren’t many other

female knights.’

They talked about work as they

walked to their destination. But they arrived at Lionel’s door soon enough. She

didn’t want to see Lionel; she wanted to chat with Margo. However, Margo’s duty

was to bring Colette, so she knocked on the door.

‘Commander, I have brought your



‘Yes. Well then, Colette, I’ll take

my leave here. Let’s chat again.’

‘Come with me, let’s talk some


‘No, you and the Commander have to

get on.’


Colette was at a loss. Naturally,

Margo thought that she and Lionel were in a relations.h.i.+p, hence why she was

there. But it was not the case. (Zuben: hmmhm)

Margo left and Colette was left to

contend with Lionel by herself. She clenched her fist and entered the room.

Lionel was lounging before his desk

waiting for Colette. There was heat in his gaze as he looked at her.

Colette came forward and handed him

the basket,

‘This is the s.h.i.+rt you borrowed me.

Thank you very much.’

He took it and dropped it

carelessly on his desk, ‘I don’t care about the s.h.i.+rt.’ He said.

She wondered if borrowing her his s.h.i.+rt

was a planned pretext to ensure she came to him again.

‘Let’s not do this, Lionel-sama. We

both have fiancées. The other day was my fault, I made a strange offer.

However, thanks to that, things have become easier for me. I feel that this

should not go any further. We should walk away and keep a cordial relations.h.i.+p.

Wouldn’t that be preferable?’

There. She said it properly. But,

Lionel didn’t reply, he just stared at Colette in his usual stoical way. She

wondered what was wrong.

‘Er, Lionel-sama…?’

‘You’re not wearing that lingerie tonight?’

he asked.

Of course not! She did not plan to

do that. She came in her uniform.

She wondered if he even listened to

what she had said. Nevertheless, she would reiterate,

‘Lionel, as for me –‘

‘It’s alright even if you come like

this. You look lovely in your livery. It makes me want to be naughty.’ He said

as he moved closer.

‘What?! No. Lionel, let’s not do

this anymore. Wait. Stop. Don’t take it off.’

He began to unb.u.t.ton her uniform

deftly. Colette tried to stop him with no avail.

‘Do you want it do get dirty?’ he


‘Well, no. But, we should think of

our fiancés and not betray them by doing this.’

‘How do you define betrayal?’


While Colette was puzzled, he

stripped her.

‘If you want, we can keep from

penetration like the last time.’

‘No, that is just sophistry. Doing

that is still betrayal…’

‘In that case, we are already

accomplices in betrayal, Colette,’

Colette went pale and still. She

frowned. She supposed that was true. Last time, she lost her head and embraced

Lionel with abandon; kissing and touching him all over. When they finished,

they bathed together. They had been like close lovers who spent their daily

lives together. (Zuben: You still can say no, now. But I guess we won’t have a

story if you did)

It was useless. (Zuben: Was it?)

She could not resist him, she admitted to herself. (Zuben: You didn’t put up

that much of a fight, but it’s cool) Even now, she could see that there was a

feverish desire in Lionel’s eyes for her. She decided to let things take its

course (Zuben: Until you calm down from the feverish desire yourself.) She

would like to know what he thought of her, but she feared his expressionless

visage if she asked.

As a result, there wasn’t much coercion

required as he finished taking off her uniform gown and tossed it on a sofa.

Her shoes, tights and underwear joined it.

‘Don’t want to put them in the

bedroom, they might get dirty.’ He said huskily. (Zuben: Because your

e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n is like a fountain, right?)

‘Yes, I suppose…’

That was indeed why she had to get

him to throw the baby doll away. (Zuben: Nothing liberal application of soap

and water could not have handled, but hey, whatever.)

However, she was naked in his

study/receiving room. She used her hands to cover her exposed breast and lower

area. Lionel looked at her with delight,

‘Embarra.s.sed Colette is cute.’

‘No don’t look at me.’

‘That is impossible.’ He said, as

he began to take off his clothes. He knew Colette would come, so he had worn

freer clothing. His tight, well muscled body was soon exposed; he was a

physically beautiful man. Even though, they hadn’t touched his erection was up.

It looked really big and thick, Colette was glad he wasn’t going to penetrate


It was still embarra.s.sing to look

at him, so she averted her gaze. Lionel came up to her and pulled her with him

to the bedroom.

She imagined that he was going to

push her down on the bed like the last time. But this time, he got on first and

pulled her on top of him.

‘Oh, aren’t I heavy?’ she asked,

bracing her hand on the bed, trying not to put her whole weight on him.

‘Not at all,’ He replied, as he

pulled her head in for a kiss while holding Colette’s lush body closer to his.

Just with kissing, Colette’s honey pot was overflowing. Her body remembered the

past pleasures.  As they entwined their

tongues, his large hand stoked her body, her b.u.t.tocks and thighs.

She moaned, ‘Fuu…ahn…’

Colette’s body was getting hot in

antic.i.p.ation, but Lionel did not seem to be in a hurry. He continued to kiss

and stroke her languidly. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were crushed against his chest, and she

began to touch him too. Her womanhood was straddling his c.o.c.k, it had gotten

wet despite not being touched. She began to make small movements with her hips; up and down his shaft. Lionel made a sound between a purr and a groan. He

stopped kissing her and looked in her eyes, his gaze filled with l.u.s.t.

‘Colette, I want to love you with

my lips tonight.’ He said (Zuben: Who says that?)

‘Alright…’ she replied hesitantly.

She did not understand what meant

until he turned Colette so her legs straddled his head and her head was at his

crotch. She realised that her secret place was completely visible to Lionel,

she became hot with embarra.s.sment.

‘Oh no!’s embarra.s.sing…’

‘Colette, touch me,’ he said as he

ran a finger between her damp petals. Every time he touched her sensitive

protrusion, waves of pleasure coursed through her,