Chapter 62-64 (1/2)

Chapter 62 Dead End

The flying speed of the two lu speed It was basically co sparks within the two luh teer Fas could only pathetically evade to the sides

Baltic, who had successfully landed a blow, started to sneer, ”Two little spirit practitioners dare to run amok here!”

After effortlessly breaking Ya and Ling's spirit protection ic, Baltic accurately deterht's Nine Layers of Heaven, the Church's spirit practitioners were also divided into nine ranks The first to third ranks were called 'Mundane Rank' by the Church, the fourth to sixth ranks were called 'Spirit Rank', and the highest three ranks were called 'Senior Rank'

During the long ith the Five Dalian Islands, in order to unify the perception of the people of the continent towards the different occupations, spirit practitioners, even those of ht's nine major ranks: they used nine different colors to clearly syhts, when spirit practitioners andto their ranks would always appear, regardless of what type of ic they used

When Baltic's sickle shattered the two girls' spirit protectionfla This proved that the two girls only had strengths equivalent to that of hts They sile blow from Baltic, who already stepped into Heaven-rank

Seeing the two girls fleeing and the hired thugs incapable of approaching thee steps as light as a ghost and rapidly approached the two girls The long sickle was brandished once again This tiirls' waists

”Young Master said you have to die, so you must die!” Baltic was so excited his eyes reddened A pair of beautiful twins, furthermore, they were the Church's spirit practitioners, to be able to kill this kind of enemy with his own hands was such a wonderful pleasure Countless vengeful spirits had died under his blade, even including terrifying creatures like Frost titans, yet it was still a first for him to encounter such lovely and beautiful prey

The long sickle brought with it a soul-stealing sharp whistling sound A layer of dark-blue halo was revolving around the blade Early stage Heaven Knight, this was Baltic's genuine strength Without such strength, how could he control the tens of thousands of food-begging sailors, rogues, bullies, scoundrels, and those extremely poor and vicious criminals at Dunerk Harbor?

Ya and Ling felt the cold wind of the attack behind them The black-robed Baltic whose complexion was as pale as the devil already arrived behind theure, his breath was piercingly cold; it was even colder than the cold wind coin

With a sneer, the spirit protection ain However, this ti for Baltic's sickle to chop at their bodies, the two girls already simultaneously crushed small red scrolls inside their sleeves They shouted in unison, ”With the assistance of the Fire God, those who disregard God's glory, suffer His punishment!”

A lulass shot out froirls' sleeves It revolved rapidly around their bodies, for a firm protective shi+eld Baltic's sickle heavily struck the protective shi+eld, yet only a loud sound could be heard His sickle jolted violently, and the glittering protective shi+eld was split into countless cracks Then a luon cry transfor It violently launched itself at Baltic's stomach

Baltic's expression changed He cast his sickle aside as a layer of black an to cover his hands A faint red color was flickering at the edge of the ht were rasped forward like iron hooks, fir the entirely pure wyvern-shaped flames made of spiritual force

”Vicious girls! With this ic power, you think you can injure me?” Baltic's hands were burned by the wyvern-formed flames with 'chi-chi' sounds He resisted the pain on his hands with great difficulty His body abruptly spun at high speed, sparing no effort to throw the wyvern into seawater

As the wyvern entered the water, a loud sound could be heard A part of the sea with a radius of around one hundredThe wyvern created a ten- wave made the boats in the vicinity shake violently

Following the loud sound, not only the residences at the Coastal Avenue, all of Dunerk was roused

Urgent sounds of gongs could be heard from all directions, and sharp siren sounds could be heard from within sentry posts all around Dunerk The century Land Island War had already ended thirty years ago, yet Dunerk had been htly Now, such a huge explosion roused the whole city's residents, the defensive army in the barracks, as well as the copper hats of Dunerk Guardian Office and the People's Alliance of Defenders established by Dunerk itself They all dispatched troops one after another, resulting in countless torches rushi+ng towards the dock

Lin Qi already ordered several bodyguards to rush to the dock He shouted in a stern voice, ”Quickly, power crossbows, shoot and kill them!”

Tooth-aching sounds of steel upon steel rose, and the 'ka-ka' sound of engines running could be heard fro pain on his hands as he grabbed his own sickle back froain rushed behind the two girls' body and once again chopped at the two girls' backs

The spirit protection ic shi+eld that was just chopped into countless cracks exploded with a bang The two girls cried out in alar to break another powerful spirit protective talisman stored inside their sleeves

But the hired thugs that had always been trained by the Black Tiger Fa power crossbows appeared froures shone brightly in the darkness, and simultaneously loaded their crossbows

Strange whistling 'ga-ga' sounds could be heard as thirty 67-centi and thumb-thick 'killer crossboere shot with a speed invisible to the naked eye and ruthlessly penetrated the flairls These crossboere made of a mix of black steel and volcanic red silver and were specifically used to kill Rhinoceros Knights who had the thickest skin and thethe different tribes of the Five Dalian Islands

Killer crossbows could penetrate even the thick body of Rhinoceros Knights Their poas terrifyingly high, simply not what an ax thrown by a irls' flames could resist the attack of those axes, yet were unable to resist the ht of these crossbows' arrows

Under the illumination of the flairls were so frightened their minds blanked They only instinctively made all the spiritual force within their bodies burst forth Raging fla around theh rotational speed

With miserable shrieks, blood sprayed as far as dozens of paces froirls' bodies

Ya and Ling's bodies were simultaneously hit by several arrows The pure steel arrows pierced their bodies, punching fist-sized holes through their shoulders and thighs What made them more desperate was that Ya's lower abdomen was also pierced by an arrow and fresh blood was constantly flowing from the wound

The two girls wailed in despair

Chapter 63 assistance at Death's Door

Ya and Ling powerlessly fell on a pool of filthy snow It was exactly the place where the stray cats ate their meals The snoas black, full of the fishy sans With the pungent s who had never fallen into such a circumstance almost cried

Pain was all over their bodies and muscles and bones as if they were completely broken, yet the parts of their bodies pierced by the killer arroere nu Even Ya's lower abdomen that was penetrated was stiff Fresh blood flowed constantly, yet she didn't feel anything

=Rhinoceros Knights, not only was their strength tre, their vitality was also extre So the arrows of killer crossbows had all been dipped into poison, a kind that was ferrass Just a drop of this poison could paralyze a buffalo, so after an ordinary huradually paralyze and they would die

The feeling of paralysis was like the shadow of death, gradually spreading froirls lay on the pile of filth There was still so up from their bodies Their bodies were surrounded by a nasty odor, the kind that was nauseating, so they had never touched before in their lives They had noble backgrounds in the Church and lived lives of luxury since childhood, even their fingers had never been tainted with unboiled water

Now they lay here, quietly feeling death's arrival They wanted to cry, but the strict education they had received since childhood kept theative actions for lowly ants, how could nobles like them cry?

During their infancy, when they were still babies, they were trained not to cry using a special otten even the instinct to do so They had the urge to cry, but couldn't no matter what

A heavy and orderlysound could be heard in the distance The port's defensive ar over

The sounds of hurried horse hooves rapidly approached The patrolling Dragon Cavalry of the Guardian Office were co

Sharp sirens also constantly rang frorew nearer and nearer The secret police of the Guardian Office was dispatched

But the sounds of ainst one another were even ular aron Cavalry and Copper Hats close to one thousand men, yet Dunerk's militiamen numbered more than ten thousand men Any random man of Dunerk was a burly fellow, so tens of thousands of militiamen out of Dunerk's population of hundreds of thousands were sufficient to deal with the threat from the Five Dalian Islands in the north

The previous explosion sound of the fiery dragon alar in al out The sounds of urgent footsteps and the berserk barks of various kinds of ferocious large dogs could be heard everywhere On the roofs of several tall buildings, sohts to this side of the port using reflectors Dozens of thick hazy lights were rando on the surface of the sea

Ya and Ling quickly experienced blood loss They only felt coldness from head to toe and their visions darkened All of the activities drew nearer like a nighton Cavalry, andinto their ears, so pressuring they nearly died

Lin Qi rushed to the dock He berated in a low voice, ”Quickly, their golden notes! Also their necklaces! Rings! Ah, their hair clips as well, their hair clips are all inlaid with geeirls are too wealthy!”

Baltic had already arrived next to Ya and Ling with a cruel expression He brandished his long sickle, about to chop off the two girls' heads However, he suddenly heard Lin Qi's shout He was slightly distracted, hastily squatted down, and roughly tore the two girls' clothes, pulling out two brocade purses from the secret pockets on their chests