Chapter 83-85 (1/2)

Chapter 83 Long Cheng

With so est, the old captain Good Luck Valjean Qiao with the strength of peak Earth rank, yet no one saw clearly how the Easterner caht of two to three storeys to get to the deck from the surface of the sea while the distance to the small boat was also dozens of meters, yet everyone merely saw dozens shadows flashed and thein front of Lin Qi

A hazy purple halo slowly spread in all direction from the space between the man's eyebrows Histo his Blue Fox leather cloak fell off one after another The cloak that was a little messy quickly turned neat as if it was new

The o, currently looked so clean and neat as if he was a prince who just took a bath and changed his clothes However, that pride and arrogance on his face, that unrestrained and overbearing aura of his, not even a genuine prince was comparable to him

What made Lin Qi particularly shocked was the bloody s from underneath the surface of the man's body It was as if his whole person had been soaked in blood for dozens of years Even his breath carried a s in front of hieful spirits by his ears

Enzo cal Lin Qi

Lin Qi's expression changed slightly He took a step forward, forcefully pushi+ng Enzo two steps to the side using his shoulder No kidding, Lin Qi couldn't let Enzo be his sword Blackbeard taught hiether, one shouldn't let one's own brother be one's sword

The Easterner raised his sword-like brows and said with a hoarse voice, ”I mean no harm!”

Gazing around the deck, the Easterner's eyes suddenly brightened His right handmotion towards a Blue-Lined Snapper dozens of paces away that was just caught and five streaertips The snapper that weighed nearly 50 kilogra sound

The expressions of everyone on the deck sied What kind of bizarre skill was this? Grabbing so while separated by a distance of dozens of meters, Tie Chui and Tu Dao could also do it, but they could only do it with external help Yet this Easterner, he grabbed the snapper without relying on any external object

Lin Qi exhaled aa toothache What kind of strength was this? He could grab a snapper eight over 50 kilograms while separated by a distance of dozens of paces, then could he break a person's neck while separated by a distance of dozens of paces?

Soers lightly slashed and the whole snapper was soundlessly split open The skin, bones,was separated under the control of a bizarre strength The Easterner cheerfully laughed He grabbed a piece of fish meat as white as jade and stuffed it into hisit

Lin Qi suspected whether the piece of fishto be digested because when the ained soradually spread on his face Even his head produced faint vapor

”Too wonderful for words!” The Easterner laughed heartily Under everyone's gazes that was dull as if they just raave a satisfied burp and stopped with incomparable happiness Lin Qi looked at his belly in astonish could be seen on his belly Where did all that o?

Within Black Tiger Faest appetite could only eat two roasted sheep legs in one rao, he wouldn't be able to Yet the man ate to his heart's content as if the raw fish meat that was no different than ice cubes were the finest delicacy in the world

Forcing a laugh, Lin Qi inquired using an extree, ”Mister, may I ask who you are?”

The Eastern man patted his hands and took out a white handkerchief to wipe the fish aze, he threw the handkerchief that orth at least 50 gold coins in Hunchback Shop to the cold wind, letting it fluttered away

”Long Cheng, the Long (dragon) in the phrase the dragon (Long) soars above the Nine Heavens, the Cheng (city/fortress) in i)!” With both hands behind his back, the awfully handsoant, and tyrannical man raised his head and said in a loud voice, ”Is this your shi+p? Not bad, although this is trash coroup of barbarians to be able to build a shi+p like this is not bad!”

With a grin, Long Cheng indifferently said, ”Prepare a spacious room for me, I want your shi+p to takeas you sent me ashore, I will compensate you well”

With a twitch at the corner of his eyes, Long Cheng coldly snorted and said, ”Your shi+p ht? Prepare four for me, one to do the laundry, one to ht, anyone who stinks fro, don't approach ht with a Three-Headed Sea Dragon and suffered soth!”

Before Lin Qi could open hisof orders His words were extre the sailors on the deck who understood Eastern language wished they could stab his body a thousand tiertips shot out purple light, while another also shot out of the space between his eyebrows The experienced and knowledgeable sailors suddenly recalled a certain legendary existence They held their harpoons tightly, yet no one dared to utter a word

What did Long Cheng say? He fought with the Three-Headed Dragon, the hegeical beasts in the North Sea? shi+t, did he speak the truth?

Lin Qi looked at Long Cheng who just gave orders in such insufferably do way, spread his hands in a helplessa smile ”We have clean rooies, if you wish for female fish, we have many, as for women, we don't even have one!”

Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi in astonishhts, how do you pass the tiroup of smelly coolies? Don't tell me you two men… Hehe, hehe!”

Long Cheng laughed in a strange e, he s his head, ”Fine, this is barbarians' place after all, what can I hope for? Fine, fine, I've received your favor after all, this favor, I shall remember!”

Strongly patting Lin Qi's shoulder, Long Cheng indifferently said, ”Bringyour identity as an Eastern descendant like me, I won't kill and take over this shi+p Hehe!”

Laughing strangely, Long Cheng waved his hand towards the outside of the shi+p A hint of purple qi whistled out, hitting a huge fish that just ju it into countless bloody chunks with a loud bang

Lin Qi revealed a nearly flattering s, please, I shall clear the captain's bedroom for you, is that okay?”

At one side, Good Luck Valjean Qiao wrinkled his nose in anger

Chapter 84 Slaughtering a Whale with a Flip of a Hand

On the fourth day at sea, in a rare in teradually dissipated Unexpectedly, a red sun rose froht illus were covered with a layer of red Red icebergs floated on the sea like swaying pieces of clotted blood

Lin Qi stood at the prow of the shi+p while carrying a sea pole with an internal organ of a Black-Lined Snapper hanging fro for turtles This area of the sea was already not far frole-Horned Wild Whale A type of Green-Skinned Sea Turtles were the specialty of this area Their bodies were huge while their meat delicious They were a type of delicacy aristocratic families of the continent would look for At the sale-Horned Wild Whales' favourite food

The reproductive ability of this kind of sea turtle was astonishi+ng and its growth rate was extrele-Horned Wild Whales crazily hunted these sea turtles for food, they would have already filled the entire ocean

”Such a huge Green-Skinned Turtle, it old coins on the continent!” While looking at the red sun in the east with a sea pole in his hand, Lin Qi shook his head and said with a sigh, ”shi+t, the sun actually rose This can't be a good o several days”

With a cloak of Blue Fox skin draping over his shoulders, Long Cheng, still with that arrogant face of his, was sitting on the head of the mermaid sculpture at the prow of the shi+p He looked at Lin Qi in puzzleood this, what does it have to do with a snowstorm? Look, a clear and boundless sky, so blue as if brand new, such a good weather!”

While shaking his head, Long Cheng heaved a long sigh and said, ”Such a fine time, such a wonderful view, if there were several naked beauties as companies, how perfect must it be?”

'This guy is a da in his heart He snorted unhappily and said, ”Honorable Mister Long Cheng, this is North Sea, during winter it can't have sun If it the snow kept falling and the wind kept howling, then this year's winter will pass safely, if the sun ca several days, an especially huge hurricane will be a disaster for the continent!”

Long Cheng looked at Lin Qi in astonishment He spread his hands, then smiled and said, ”Is that so? Is that truly so? This damned weather!”

Lin Qi shook his sea pole, then looked at Long Cheng in puzzle about the sea, how could you row a small boat into the North Sea? Where did you come from?”

Long Cheng pursed his lips and sneered repeatedly before finally saying with gritted teeth, ”Nothing, just a ga whether I can cross the North Sea with a s winter and reach the West Continent, then bring some stuff back!”

A ga winter? This Long Cheng ht? Lin Qi s in an extremely thrilled manner, ”Then where did you set off? I know the East has quite a few fa City, those harbors are all several tier than our Dunerk!”

Long Cheng was silent for a while before saying with a little anger, ”I set off in Xiong City It is our northernmost harbor, I sailed four thousand kilometers northward into the North Sea, then another thousand to land on Odin Ice Origin I carried the s the way, then at a place called Great Viking Axe Gorge, I entered the sea once again”

”Great Viking Axe Gorge?” Lin Qi said in shock, ”That is a dangerous place, oh, to be precise, that is the gathering place of bandits and ruffians!”

Long Cheng pursed his lips in a cruel slanced at Lin Qi and raised his head, then said with a sneer, ”Right, there was a group of blind people anted to snatch that se Of course, I didn't seize their wealth, I only wanted their lives”

Lin Qi opened his mouth wide 'What kind of fore was a den of tigers and dragons even in the underworld of the West Thousands of ruffians of different tribes and their relatives gathered there It was an extre route in the underworld and a lers