16 Summer 2016. (1/1)

Lost Souls ouroboros7 19470K 2022-07-20

Monday 05 September 2016

07:30am Summer has passed very quickly, after the tv show of fools, I made two others, which one I regret. One of the chroniclers as they call them, kept attacking me for everything and nothing and used very complicated words that I did not understand. He made fun of me by calling me illiterate. My French is improving fast enough but it's not my mother tongue and the complicated words are still unknown to me or I do not dare to use them because I'm afraid to misunderstand their meaning or to use them badly. I also posed for some photos for magazines and the website of Isabel Marant who is a very busy woman. I met once but she was running almost. She was charming and told me that we would talk about more during the fashion week in Paris. Here is my real work of the moment, training, training and always training for the fashion week which will begin on September 20th. Noémie qui est ma formatrice, me dit des choses telles que; ”But who stuck a stupid idiot like that in the paws? Lisa you are null, null, null, null ... ”Yes Noémie is not stingy of compliment when she gets angry. Before yesterday, I had to keep smiling by staying still for fifteen minutes but my mind traveled and I thought back to a completely stupid movie that I had seen the day before. Wayne's World, is the title of the film. When some scenes came to my mind, I burst out laughing and the plate on my head she burst but on the floor. Noemie screamed so loudly that the director of Paris models came running thinking that something bad was happening. When she saw me laughing and Noémie screaming, she retired used to this almost daily show. I have little free time and I will have very few before my super show of the fashion week. This is not so serious but when I can enjoy the few days of freedom that I am granted, I am forbidden to do this and that and even more to go out without my agent. Since the second TV show in which I participated and in which my performance would have been very good, my number of French fans on the website that my agency created had exploded so much that during my long journeys on Paris, I had to have a driver who also served as a bodyguard. Let's be honest, I only saw this driver once and as before, only Cindy remained with me. It did not bother me, quite the contrary. If I'm comfortable with her, it's not the same with a man I do not know. I am not very interested in the internet and did not know that I had a fan club before my sister told me about it one night on the phone but it seems that I signed the authorization for that. Strange, I still have not read this contract. The problem with this fan club is that by going to the homepage, I saw a video of me in training doing the fool. I wanted them to delete this video it but found that I had no right to intervene on my own fan club. After many complaints, I got a simple right to give my opinion about videos and titles but it does not go very far. Once again I pay the price of my laziness.

Today I'm going to my new High School ,although my high school is located two blocks from my house, I can not go there on my own, even on foot at all. Yes, my legs now only serve me at home and in training. Walking in the street is strictly forbidden. The disadvantage of being only sixteen has not changed. Obey again and again, without asking questions. I know they do not do that to bother me but if they put themselves in my place for even a week, I guess they would find that their behavior is excessive or even authoritarian. My agency offered me an alternative for less stress. I told myself that if I opted for this option, I will impose myself a new constraint. If I wanted more freedom, then the commission would increase for a full-time bodyguard to be with me. For short, Option A or Option B, both were annoying. But I can not stand being locked in the house all the time, my commission has gone up to fourteen percent and Mike has landed a week ago. We do not talk much and I think he is not a very talkative person anyway. He lives in the small two room on the ground floor and fortunately does not have to share our apartment.

Barely five minutes of cars are enough to reach Saint Joseph High School and I worry much more than in front of a journalist. School is not a show but real life. Here, everything is harder and less fun. I realize that I am not too comfortable with people my age but must continue to work on me to move forward. I waved at Cindy, who winked at me, but when I see that Mike has opened the door for me, I think I just missed everything from the beginning. Has not this bastard ever been young? Does not he understand how a girl of sixteen feels? No, maybe not. A guy of 7 feet, weighing perhaps 286 pounds but being all muscle, surely will not put himself in the shoes of a girl.