41 A crap phrase for a shit group. (1/2)

Lost Souls ouroboros7 34440K 2022-07-20

Thursday, September 29, 2016

5:45 pm I finished the second series of photo shoot for Kenzo, which went very well. later, I have to say a few words to the Budokan for the concert of the colorful hair trio and I am at this very moment preparing what I can say but nothing comes to my mind to say something positively about this shit group. At the moment, we are going back to the hotel so that I change my clothes, to put on something less formal and more casual for this concert. What happened last night made a lot of noise. So far, It was pretty quiet in Japan and the journalists of this country are less aggressive than in France or the United States but now, this relative tranquility is over. Parasites from several countries have arrived and continue to land at the airport looking for a chance to photograph me and even more, to get some words about this sad set of questions. I do not want to answer them for the moment and I think I said what I think last night to the presenter of the TV show. Terry has resorted to what seems to me to be excessive means to ensure my safety since this morning, but my parents think that his initiative is the good one. Indeed, he has hired two bodyguards who never leave me and go to stay in front of the door of my hotel room to avoid any intrusion. Since a while ago Terry is euphoric and seems to want to say something to me but in front of my closed face working on these few sentences, he certainly thinks to wait to share the news that makes him so happy. It does not matter, for me, the most important thing is that this story is forgotten and that the journalists have another topic that fuels their bloodlust so that they let me live in peace.

18h25 Body red bustier, black skirt and pumps with six centimeters of heels, here I am dressed for tonight. Simple, sexy and no need to do more in my opinion. I go down to the restaurant, order a salad with bacon withot fat and tomatoes and good appetite Lisa. Still no fat but with Terry, I can at least eat some meat, allowing me to enjoy myself. Terry always stares at me with his smile that has not left since the photo shoot and as it starts to annoy me, I stop eating, also looks at him and sighs. But what does this idiot have to say?

”Terry, if you want to say something, instead of watching me eat, say because it's annoying.”

Erase that overly happy expression on your face. ”Lisa, as soon as the advertisement for Sony is turned, we go back to the United States. I thought I would stay a little longer in Japan, but some very good news has just arrived.”

Grrr, he can not tell everything at once. ”Tell me what it is.”

He begins to smile like a moron. ”Do you know David Fincher? I apologize for this question because everyone knows this genius. ”

I raise my hand. ”Lost, I do not know him. My cinema tastes are rotten so I do not know any famous actors or this David machin.”

Oh, his smile has finally disappeared. Lisa 1, Terry 0. ”Seriously? When did you live Lisa for not knowing one of the greatest director on the planet? Forget it because anyway, you're really a case apart. Anyway, we will meet him. He wants you for a film whose casting is huge. Of course you will not have the first role but you will still appear about twenty five minutes on the screen.”

If it can allow me to have fun like with Bill so why not. ”If you want but for now I'm eating so stop looking at myself.”

07:35pm I'm currently at the Budokan and walk all the corridors to escape the crabs that stick to me. Three heads with colored hair keep talking to me and do not want to let me go. I go to the right, they go to the right. I go left, they go left. The anxiety of being pursued by such hair is unbearable and keenly that my little ridiculous speech is pronounced so that I leave here. Two meters from me, my two guard dogs, they either do not want to separate from me and more than ever, I feel extraordinarily popular with men. But what men, ahhhhhh, it could not be five beautiful guys that I choose one to make love quickly before the beginning of the concert? Not bad, but my hunger for sex resumes since this afternoon and I will have to eat a man quickly otherwise I will end up frustrated like old bitter women who live alone with ten cats and spend their time to annoy their neighbors. Speaking of dude, my boyfriend, is still in New York. Apparently, France speaks a lot about him because my father would have offered him a role in his new romantic play. Theater, the big theater, the boring theater, good luck Leo for not to deceive you in the text. From here, I can already hear the cries coming from the concert hall that is filling up. It's very impressive to think that these three colored hairy crabs are so popular and that girls adulate them to the point of wetting their underwear . Everything is question of fashion here and to last, it must depend on talent but also luck because the public of this country you forget as quickly as he loved you. Groups are born and die every day. We like them on Mondays but on Thursdays we do not remember their names anymore. We move on very quickly without looking back but only the novelty. Fashion and novelty make the star of the moment that in ninety-nine percent of cases, will not last long. This afternoon, Louis told me that to succeed a moment here, it is necessary, a good house of production, dance well, a beautiful physique and of course not being bad on stage. But all this is ephemeral. It would not be only in Japan according to him but in a large part of Asia. They have a concept of stars and show business different from ours. In the United States and Europe, we become stars by working. Here they make stars. Of course these young people who are propelled to the front of the stage undergo rigorous training but compared to our singers for example, their salary is derisory. Our singers earn their money, here the production boxes win it but these young people finally earn quite really little compared to Western singers. I would like to see one of their contracts to see for myself if everything I heard about these bands is true. This is another way to approach show business but it is not my immediate problem.