351 Lillian Grey is special! (1/2)

Get Back to You ljack_ace 74890K 2022-07-22

Giselle appeared taken back from Lia's light as if there was no trace of any dreary playing in her gaze any more. Ethan got equally surprised as he froze in his seat. Gigi enthusiastically recorded without missing any beat of the stage play. Melanie and Eric held each other's hands in awe, feeling proud of their little granddaughter shining on the stage.

Lia performs her scene well, appearing elegant and graceful in her attire while delivering her lines to resemble her character description. It wasn't the main character, but everyone enjoyed seeing Lia play the young lady and sympathized with her character's concern.

Amid the moment where everyone associated with the young lady, there was one brewing storm in his mind.

Ethan's concern grew dark when he saw Lia acting precisely like an engaged woman, so much that it made him feel anxious.

”Oh, this is not good!” he muttered flatly.

”What?” Both Gigi and Giselle reacted at the same time.

Ethan was watching the scene when the engagement broke up to have the young lady find another guy eventually to get married and settle down happily.

”Lia- is going to- grow up, right?”

The ladies nodded in unison to relate while still wondering where his words are aiming.

”S- She is going to- want- to h- have a lover-”

Gigi and Giselle instantly realized his course of thought.

”She would- want to date-”

Gigi shook her head in disinterest, resuming her role, which was going flawlessly already. Even with her head turned, she had kept a steady hand, focusing the camera on Lia and her scene. Returning to her post, she turned deaf ears to Ethan's worries.

Meanwhile, Giselle couldn't help but join him into thinking alike.

As words faltered while leaving his mouth, one after the other, Ethan's face filled with agony, thinking that his little daughter is going to grow up one day, fall in love, wishing to date someone, etc. His good mood was falling apart.

”Welcome to our world!”

Eric's voice resounded from the front suddenly.

Melanie chuckled to add, ”Yes! It is very complicated, but it is worth to watch your children grow.”

Just as Melanie and Eric left their comment, Ethan saw Lia's partner sticking closer to her on the stage. The scene went like this:

Scoorge, the main protagonist, who lost his fiance, saw her married to another guy to settle down happily as a family.

To show how the young lady's life evolved through acting, Lia and her partner acted like lovebirds, happy, and cheerful, which made the father rage inside.

”Calm down, man. You are overreacting!”

Eric smirked at Gigi's remark.

”Calm down! That little boy should be the one to calm down!”

Ethan went on to sneer at the little boy, studying to remember his face until the scene ended eventually, relieving the father from his madness.

Lia left the stage as the second act ended to move to third.

Ethan finally sighed as if he had been fighting a critical battle simultaneously as Lia performed.

The story advanced, and everyone continued to watch.

As soon as he came out of his distress zone, Ethan broke out to a grin, praising his daughter's impeccable performance. Giselle saw him show a range of emotions for such a little time. She left him alone while turning to watch the rest of the play. Her mind still bothering with Lia's bright appearance, wondering if she wasn't concerned with Lillian's absence or not.


Taking the final step while leaving the stage, Lia ignored all to rush towards Lillian.

The last-minute surprise made her extremely pleased. Because of the play, she couldn't move to meet Lillian Grey. Thus, when her scene ended, at last, she walked off the stage in grace, before racing to see the special guest.

”Ms. Lillian!”

”You came!!”

”Ms. Lillian!”

Lia whispered to rejoice as she sprinted. Her classmate, who got paired up with her in the scene, became startled to see Lia take off like a rocket and disappear in an instant.

Lillian was waiting in the same spot and saw little Lia shooting towards her. Her face lightened, and naturally, she opened her arms to welcome the child into her embrace.

Lifting Lia to a height she could endure, Lillian soon brought her down, still holding her close in her arms. After realizing how long they remained like this, Lia began to feel shy, nudging to release her.

Lillian refused. Holding on to Lia tightly, she remarked playfully,

”Wow, Lia is a healthy baby!”

Lia blushed from the comment to immediately fight back, declaring that she is not a baby anymore.

”I'm sorry! You look small and adorable, so you are a baby in my eyes,” Lillian returned, laughing merrily.

Lia's lips turned to pout longer, and realizing the position she put the child through, Lillian saw how many threw a glance at them. Slowly, she bought down Lia and gave her freedom. The least she wanted is for someone to recognize her and start a whole commotion.

Lia dusted of the wrinkles on her dress, quickly regaining her posture. It was only Lillian who kept an eye around cautiously while Lia had forgotten her surrounding already.

”Did you see me? Did you? Did you see me act?” Lia's attention followed to a series of inquires as she wanted to hear Lillian's praise.

Lillian nodded to praise her indeed.

The joy of hearing such approval made the little girl happy. The two returned to watch the rest of the play, sticking closer together as they did.

They smiled, sympathized, and connected with the actors, and the kid who played the main character performed splendidly. Even Lia, who only had a small part, saw the guy shine truly under the spotlight. With his talent, he moved the audience to follow him intently as act three went on.

”Do you think everyone liked my performance, Ms. Lillian?” Lia suddenly asked, feeling insecure.

Lillian's attention was on the play, but when heard Lia, she could imagine why the child had such doubts.

”I don't know about the others, but your mother would be crying happy tears while you gave your father a mini heart-attack!” Lillian replied.

Lia's face tensed dubiously. She wondered if a simple stage play could cause heart-attacks.

”Why?” she still dared to ask.

”Hmm, let's see, because you will grow up soon,” Lillian replied.

”Is growing up something you should be scared of?”

As soon as Lia asked such a profound question, Lillian's gaze was all up on her, focused. She then sighed to loosen herself.

”For most of them, yes! Because it means you can no longer give excuses like you're only a child. Adults have responsibilities. If you fail, they will tease you. If you succeed, then they will praise you,”

”Who is they, Ms. Lillian?”

”They? Everyone else other than you- it could be your parents, relatives, friends, strangers, so on-”

Lia pondered on Lillian's words for a while as she watched the play in silence.

The third act ends to dive into the fourth.

They had a brief break to get the actors and the stage ready. Lillian, who had kept silent, resumed talking.

”Your father- since he saw you dress like a beautiful woman, he must have gotten terrified into thinking that you will grow up soon to find your love. And that is what I meant when I said you gave him a scare!” Lillian explained.

With a quick chuckle, she added, ”Are you excited to find your love, Lia?”

”No!” Lia sternly dismissed the idea.


”I want to be with mom and dad and everyone,” she added stubbornly.

”What if you meet an adorable boy?” Lillian grilled.

”I will be friends with him!” Lia countered.

”What if he wants to be more than friends?” Lillian bites the bullet to risk her chance.

”More than friends? What is it, Ms. Lillian?”

Lia appeared dazed.

Lillian bites her tongue in shame as she held back from spilling more on the subject that was alien to the little girl. Despite everything, Lia is still a kid who doesn't know anything about romance, let alone how it works between adults. Lillian stopped herself from enlightening the child at such a young age, imagining Giselle's wrath if she gets caught. She shall wait for some more years before having a chat like that.

”No! There isn't! Nothing is greater than family or friends!” Lillian signed peace to settle.

Meantime, Act four started as the main character gets visited by the third spirit, the ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, where it shows a harsh reality of the future.

Scoorge, who showed more care to wealth, lost his precious bonds. The ghost revealed him the image of the old guy dying alone without no one to mourn for his passing.

Seeing the play as they did before, this time, it was Lillian who became curious.

”When- you said,” she began as found Lia's focus shifts to her. It made Lillian rethink her decision, yet part of her yearned to ask.

”Y- You said you want to be with your mother, father, and everyone. D- Does that include m- me in e- everyone-” Lillian asked, controlling herself from doing such a ridiculous act she could hardly imagine herself to do.

Lia smiled to disagree strongly.

Lillian's face blew up in a big concern, worried if her heart is going to sink from hearing little Lia's cold rejection.

”No, Ms. Lillian doesn't belong to everyone!”

Which also means that she certainly won't be the mother or father. Although this response made Lillian heave a sigh, she couldn't help but feel tense. Lia had already said her answer to return to watch the play.