224 Surrounded (1/2)
Munifex Justus held his shield in front of him, bracing it with his sword arm.
A crossbow bolt banged against it-- oof, that was close. Sweat poured down Justus' back. The bolt was inches away from embedding itself into the meat of his thigh.
He smashed his shield full-force into a kobold spear-dog, knocking it off of its feet.
THNK. Justus staggered back. An archer's crossbow bolt had bounced off the center of his chestplate. It didn't pierce through the metal but... seven hells... he was stunned and couldn't breathe.
Justus narrowed his eyes, refusing to flinch. He watched as the archer systematically reloaded another bolt. That would finish him off.
He forced his eyes to stay open. He wanted to see how he died--
However, the archer stopped. It collapsed onto its knees.
With a snap of his wrist, Zehr pulled a handaxe out of the back of the kobold's skull, a mist of blood spraying into the air.
Zehr immediately spun, trusting Justus with his back as he faced the unending onslaught of enemies. The Decanus was fighting like a barbarian, a bloody sword in one hand and a skull-cracking handaxe in the other...
It reminded Justus of a barbarian... or... an arena gladiator... like the champions of Sol Invictus.
”Munifex Justus, I thought I told you to stay with the others?” Zehr growled.
He sounded angry-- angrier than usual. Justus had a feeling that if there weren't any kobolds around, Zehr's hatchet would have found a new home in his own skull.
Justus gulped as he tried to normalize his breathing. He made sure to keep his eyes open, as well, ”They-- they sent me here-- to you, Decanus.”
”Ugh, right.” Zehr groaned.
”Decanus Zehr!!” Justus stepped towards the kobold line, smashing the bottom of his shield into another spear-dog's knees. As it dropped its guard, he thrust his sword underneath its chin and pierced through its snout, ”Why did you charge in, by yourself??”
”I saw an opportunity and I took it,” Zehr responded calmly.
The Decanus swept his weapons outward in a wide arc, decapitating one kobold and forcing the others back.
”Shield towards the forest.” Zehr ordered, ”Now!”
Justus repositioned his shield, though he didn't understand the reasoning. Why the forest?
Zehr ducked behind Justus' shield, ”CONSTANTINA!!!”
Decanus Constantina? Why would he yell for--
”FIIIRE!!” A woman's voice yelled from the forest. Heralded by loud clunks of release crossbow mechanisms, speeding bolts sang from the brush.
Oh. That was why. Half a dozen kobolds were killed or critically injured in the first volley.
”RELOAD!!” Decanus Constantina's voice rang out amongst the din of battle, ”FIRE AT WILL!!”
The kobolds began to scatter, some shooting back, some holding their light shields up in vain.
”⌈Moon-Fang Hell Slash⌋!!”
What the-- one of the kobolds had a skill? They... THEY HAD A SKILL?!?
He felt Zehr grab onto the back of his armor.
...Nothing about Justus' situation was good.
Justus was pulled backward. His back hit the ground, his head bounced against the dirt. In his daze, he felt his helmet loose and roll away.
A vicious stream of black mana passed overhead the pair, carving a deep scar into the rock wall behind him.
More bolts twanged from seemingly every direction... and the kobolds began to die in flowery bursts of blood mist.
Zehr pulled Justus up, ”You did well, Munifex. Go back to the others. Have them withdraw in the opposite direction. Regroup with the cohort!!”
Justus was confused. He had only just arrived, ”Decanus, but what about y--”
”WHAT are you ORDERS??” Zehr yelled. He was loosening the strap on his modified helmet.
Justus furrowed his brow and clenched his teeth, ”To go back, Decanus! To regroup with the cohort!!”