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1 Unsold Goods (1/2)

”Hello, Mom. Uhm... I'm here. I know, I know. I won't fail this time....”

Sighing, Pei Ge hung up the phone. After all these blind dates, I hope I meet a reliable man this time....

Pei Ge lifted her head and, before her eyes, there stood a tall, sleek coffee house with a hint of perfection.

Blues Coffee.

She opened its bright, glass door and, at the direction of the service staff, Pei Ge found her date very quickly.

”Miss Pei?”

”Yes, hello, Mr. Liu. I'm Pei Ge,” Pei Ge politely greeted the man, who sat comfortably in the deck area and did not even bother to stand, with a smile.

”What the...” The man did not respond to her and merely muttered a sentence softly.

Although the man said it softly and Pei Ge could not hear it clearly, the flash of disappointment in his eyes and the disgruntled look more or less made her figure out what he had just said.

The smile on Pei Ge's lips also faded for a moment as she fought the urge to turn around and leave. In the end, she took the seat opposite the man.

However, very quickly, Pei Ge realized that her decision to stay was a big mistake.

”So, Miss Pei, how much do you earn a month?”

Hearing the man's words, the corner of Pei Ge's mouth twitched. Despite her intolerance to the man's words, she maintained her cool and softly replied, ”Mr. Liu, asking about my salary on our first meeting doesn't sound too appropriate.”

”What's the big deal? You asked me the same thing earlier,” the man responded insensitively; his eyes revealing his disapproval.

”I definitely did not ask Mr. Liu such questions.” Impatient, Pei Ge glanced at the rhinestone watch on her wrist.

”What kind of attitude is this?!” Seemingly angered by Pei Ge's words, the man shot her an angry stare.

Seeing the man's current state, Pei Ge rubbed her brows and smiled as she said, ”Mr. Liu, I think we are not really a good fit, so—”

Before Pei Ge could finish her words, the man interrupted her. ”So what are you trying to say, Miss Pei?”

The man looked at Pei Ge with anger, as though he could not believe that she would dare say those words to him.

”What I mean is that we don't match, and there's no need to waste any more of our time here.”

Ah... Another failed date. I'm definitely going to be nagged at when I get back home. Hearing her words, the man was enraged and sarcastically said, ”Ha ha! Miss Pei, you think you are still an 18-year-old lady? Look at you...

”26 years old, doesn't have a slim figure, no job, yet still so selective. I mean, if not for the fact that I'm doing your cousin a favor, do you really think I would come here to meet you? No wonder you got dumped—”

Before he could finish his words, a steaming hot coffee splashed all over his face.

”Ahhh!” the man screamed in pain as the hot coffee landed on his face.

”Sorry, Mr. Liu. My hand slipped. Actually, I've been meaning to say that you don't look 29 at all. In fact, you look closer to a 39-year-old man. Also, I have an uncle who is very knowledgeable about baldness. If you wish, I can ask him about it for you.” Pei Ge flashed the man an empty smile.

”You...” The man could feel his face reddening, but he wasn't sure whether it was due to the hot coffee scalding him or Pei Ge's words.

Without a care for the man, Pei Ge took out a pouch from her black handbag and retrieved a few red notes within. She then slammed the notes on the table with an air of confidence. ”Money for coffee and laundry. Goodbye, Mr. Liu.”

Only when the man saw the back of the woman striding away that he returned to his senses.

”You are almost 30 and still on the shelf; what rights do you have to be picky?! Serves you right that you haven't found yourself a man yet!”

The man's angry exclamation caught the attention of the other patrons in the coffee house, causing them to look toward Pei Ge, who was on her way out of the establishment.

”Looks average, yet still picky...”

”Yeah. For a woman to reach this stage is quite a failure.”

”I saw her splash coffee all over that man's face earlier. Really crass.”