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Chapter 1660 - You are the strongest man in the world. (1/2)

Once the children finally retreated to their room after dinner, Ji Ziming brought his pajamas to Pei Ge’s room.

The woman was lying in bed in her thin, camisole, engrossed in reading a book. When she heard the door opening, she spoke without even looking up. “You’re here.”

She knew that, after she had tortured him in the day, he would not let her off easily.

Indeed, he brooked no delay and came barely five minutes after her shower with his pajamas in tow.

“You knew that I’d come?” asked the man in a deep voice as he flung his pajamas onto the bed right at Pei Ge’s chest.


Since her chest was ‘assaulted’ by the pajamas, she looked up at the man, but before she could finish speaking, his lips captured hers.

While her lips were being ‘assaulted’, her pink camisole was lifted by him, and her chest was exposed.

“You’re really happy when I was painstakingly carrying our children today.”

His lips curled; she felt terrified of this evil smile of his.

“I didn’t; I merely saw how hard it had been on you.”

She hurriedly explained it, and although the truth was like what Ji Ziming had said, it did not mean that she would admit it.

“Oh? You thought it’s hard on me?”

His eyes narrowed as he looked dangerously at the woman being pinned down by him. Her arms were trapped by him, and she was exposed entirely to him.

“No, it wasn’t hard on you at all. They’re too heavy—right, they’re just too heavy.”

Looking at the man right before her eyes, she really did not know what excuse she should use to pacify him.

It seemed that, no matter how many reasons she got, it would not be enough to extinguish the flame of anger in his heart.

“Oh? You think it’s not hard on me now?”

As Ji Ziming’s voice dipped, it sounded especially charismatic.

“No, no.”

Pei Ge suddenly realized that she had fallen into his trap; she would be wrong no matter what she said.

After giving it a careful thought, she continued. “It wasn’t tough on you. You’re the strongest man in the world.”

Just as she finished saying that, his face lit up.

He suddenly turned on all the lights, and the room became especially warm in the night. Even the voices of the people in the room became hoarser.

“Then, I’ll let you experience the prowess of this man, who is the strongest in the world.”

His lips curled, and regardless of what she had to say, he did not intend to let her off tonight.

By the time they ended their session, it was late into the night. Pei Ge leaned on Ji Ziming’s chest weakly as she listened to his heartbeat. All these felt really real, so real that she had almost forgotten that Tang Xiaoyu was still missing.

“Hey, let me ask you something.”

She closed her eyes.

“Sure, go ahead.”

He placed his hand behind his head and another hand on the woman’s shoulder. Her skin was silky smooth.