Chapter 173 (1/2)

God of War Min Yi敏懿 26820K 2022-07-23

Arrow a listen, eyes a bright, since regardless of the difference between men and women. Suddenly roll up the sleeves of solitary moon.

Lonely month a startle, have no time to struggle, ”ah!” Little dream can't help but send out a scream, only to see the hand of solitary month is full of shocking burn.

Dark night and arrow's eyes fell on the scars at the same time. Their eyes were full of shock. After thousands of years, these burns were not only not cured.

What's more, they have been burned to the bones of the solitary moon. The fire poison of burning the heaven furnace is so tyrannical. God knows how much she has suffered in these years.

Lonely moon shook off arrow's hand and gently pulled down his sleeve to cover the scars. Arrow was greatly moved: ”sure enough, it's you. These injuries are caused by the flame of the incinerator?”

Lonely moon did not pay attention to him, squatted down, picked up the moon, and said to the dark night, ”you just told me that the memory of Yueer can save her. Now tell me, what should I do?”

In the dark, he looks at arrow, who nods his head. Voice night: ”believe her, she will not harm fanyue, her body injury is indeed the fire of the burning furnace.”

The dark night said to the lonely moon, ”good! I tell you, you give me the memory of yue'er and Bai Ze gives me a set of mental methods.

I will work with arrow to introduce the memory of yue'er into her mind. Help her get all her consciousness back. As long as her consciousness returns, she will wake up in a month. ”

Gu Yue's eyes brightened, and he put the moon in his arms in the dark night, one in his right hand, and two white jade rings appeared.

She returned the dark night one to him first.

Then hold the piece of fanyue in your hand and brush the ring with your left hand. There is a border on the ring.

Fanyue's left index finger gently touches the border.

After a while, the boundary is opened and a trace of memory light appears on the ring.

It's wrapped around the ring, like the colorful light.

The night was surprised and asked, ”is this?”

The solitary moon looked at the light and said to the dark night, ”this is the memory lost by Yue er. I hide them in the ring and keep them in the Moon Palace carefully. I've been keeping this secret all these years.

I always thought, this secret will follow me forever in the Moon Palace, unexpectedly, it still reappears the day after all.

Now I will give it to you. You must keep it properly and use them to call back the memory of the moon. ”

The white jade ring carrying the memory of fanyue flies to the dark night, and the dark night hugs the moon with one hand. Let fanyue lean on himself.

Take the ring with your right hand. He looked at the lonely moon deeply and said, ”thank you! Thank you for your help to me and yue'er. ”

Solitary month hesitated for a moment, bit his lips, and finally asked: ”there is one more thing, I hope you can give me a reply.”

Looking at her in the dark, without hesitation, he said, ”say it!”

Gu Yue said: ”che'er, che'er is your son?”

The night nodded, did not deny, said: ”yes! Che'er is my son. ”