Chapter 268 (1/2)

God of War Min Yi敏懿 108870K 2022-07-23

Magic string, he is magic string. Isn't magic string in the valley of Warcraft?

I can't control so much. The magic string is still alive and still alive. I am so surprised that I open the sky sound in front of me.

Ready to run toward the magic string, but was pulled by the voice of heaven, I looked back at him.

His eyes were fixed, he looked at me, shook his head and said, ”wait a minute! Moon. ”

I don't know. So, looking at the magic string, I was stunned. The magic string didn't look at me. His eyes firmly locked the sky sound.

His eyes were cold and frosty. Was that?

the magic string opened his mouth, and there was no temperature in his voice: ”Nighthawk, are you going to do it yourself or wait for me to do it?”

”Hum!” My brain suddenly a muddle, he wants to kill the sky sound? Why?

Tianyin laughed and said, ”magic string, I have never committed suicide without fighting. If you want my life, you can take it yourself.”

The magic string nodded and his right hand was a piece of ”soul swallowing” in his hand. His whole body was killing fiercely, and there was a rolling black storm on the soul swallowing.

I know he is serious. He really wants to kill Tianyin. I look at him in disbelief. From his appearance to now, he has not looked at me, as if I was transparent.

Tianyin raised Chengying, which was full of light in an instant. He walked forward fearlessly.

When passing me, she said softly, ”yue'er, if I die, take my body back to the Protoss and give it to my grandfather, and tell him that I have not insulted the reputation of Tianluo family.”

I bowed my head and felt a pain in my heart. In the same scene, just like the Sirius mountain a few months ago, he faced wolf king alone, fought with blood and was on the verge of death. He used his blood to defend the dignity of the Protoss.

At that time, I was determined to fight with him until the last moment. Now I don't know why magic string wanted to kill him, but I don't care. He is the voice of heaven and my only friend for thousands of years.

No matter what he did wrong, I can't let him die in front of me, no one can kill him in front of me, not even magic string.

I suddenly raised my head, determined in my eyes, and held the voice of heaven.

Tianyin looked at me in surprise. I laughed. I went to him and said in his ear, ”voice of heaven, have you forgotten? I'm your good brother van Yue.

No matter who, no matter what reason, can't kill you in front of me. Today, even if it's a sea of fire, hell and abyss, I will accompany you to face it. ”

Tianyin smiles. He looks at the magic string and holds my hand without scruple.

I shrunk slightly, did not let go of his hand, looked at the magic string, his eyes full of anger and killing.

Magic string finally looked at me, he said coldly: ”give you one last chance, leave him, or die with him.”

I looked at him quietly and said softly, ”I won't leave him. Do it!”

Magic string's eyes were ferocious and said with a wild smile: ”good! Good! Good! You are indeed the one who takes your life to pet. This is how you repay me.

You have been dormant for such a long time just to wait for him. You have planned to make use of my feelings for you to maim my relatives, kill my demon people, and instigate the rebellion of the demon generals

You are a woman with a heart and a heart. Do you still have a heart? Do you really think Ben Jun is a fool? Your business is clear to me

I wonder, what is he talking about? What? I use him, maim his relatives, kill his people, and even instigate rebellion are all on my head, which is too ridiculous!

I said angrily, ”magic string, what are you talking about? What evidence do you have that I did this? If you want to kill, why make so many excuses? ”

Magic string said with a grim smile: ”you want evidence, don't you? Good! I'll give it to you. I'll make you believe it. I'll see how you deny it. ”

With that, he grabbed with his right hand, and I felt a pain in my ankle.

My Anklet has been in his hands, I was surprised to see him, do not understand what he meant.

I saw him holding the chain in his hand, his right hand gently flicked, a spiritual force into the chain, two gemstones began to shine, Symphony reflected. A enchanting, twinkling slightly starlight green vine man appeared between the two gems.

I'm surprised. What's this? Magic string never told me about it. He looked at me with a cold smile. The green vine began to flow with light and shadow, which reflected the communication between me and Tianyin these two days.

Magic string said coldly, ”this is the star stream vine. The thousand year old star stream vine has divine consciousness, and it will have all the memories about you. Do you still have to quibble? Didn't you intend to leave me and return to the protoss with him

I was stunned, magic string. The magic string sent me this secret in the chain. He never believed me. He was watching me?

He told his men coldly, ”bring it up!”

I looked at him again and saw a drag sound. I saw Lu Ban and Qingluo, who were bound tightly, were brought up. They used to be brothers of magic flute.

No, there are still people. The two are pushed up with their heads down. What is unbound isI'm not wrong. It's Jinse. There's another one, ah! Moon Fairy?

Why? The magic string lenglenglenglengleng comes to Jinse and pulls down the agate string on her hand. Similarly, the star stream flower vine is put into the agate string.

The star stream vine shows what Jin se did, what she said, what she did

But I can't seem to hear, I can't see, I shiver all over, only one terrible guess in my mind, magic string, is this the first time he has done such a thing to me?

Was there any such vine in the chain he sent me last time? If so, he should know all my feelings for him. Why should he treat me like this?

I looked up and looked at him. He looked at me coldly and said, ”now what else do you have to say? You and this man use despicable means to control Jinse. Yuexian works for you.

Instigated my generals to betray, killed my demon people, colluded with the Magic Flute, tried to overthrow me and killed me. How can you deny this pile of evidence? ”

I looked at him, eyes empty, asked him: ”magic string, tell me, in the original chain, you have not let go of the same star flower vine?”

He was stunned for a moment, looked at me, I was staring at him closely, his eyes slightly gathered, arrogantly replied: ”let go, you think this gentleman likes you, will be you become a fool?”

My whole body is cold, such as falling ice cave, looking at the magic string, gently said: ”good! I see. You're right. I can't deny it.

I did all the things you said. Since you know everything, why do you ask again. You do it! We'll make it clear today. ”

The magic string was angry and pointed at me and said, ”OK! Since you all admit it, I will kill you today and give an account to the demon people. ”

”Soul devouring” exhibition, I split to me, I was disheartened, did not want to resist.

”Soul swallowing” was about to chop on me. The voice of heaven was shocked and pulled me behind me, and Chengying met me.

I was left behind by Tianyin. He protected me and fought with magic string. I sat on the ground, holding my shoulders, biting my lips, trying to resist the pain in my heart.

After all, Tianyin was not the opponent of magic string. After more than ten rounds, she fell down in front of me with blood.

”Soul swallowing” followed him like a shadow, surrounded by black fog, and reached his chest. My body shook and I finally stood up without any hesitation.

With his right hand, he directly grasped the handle of ”soul swallowing”, and the magic string was stunned.

The black fog on ”soul swallowing” disappeared, and my blood flowed into a stream of blood along the blade and dropped onto Tianyin.

I looked cold and proud, looked at the magic string, raised his ”soul eating” and stood up against my chest.

Gently said: ”I owe you half of the blood essence, today all return you, after we clear.”

I resolutely toward the ”soul” approach, chest gushed a blood flower, ”soul” pierced my chest skin.

The voice of heaven cried out on the ground: ”moon! Don't!... ”

Magic string's face changed greatly, and suddenly pulled back the ”soul devouring”, which pulled a dazzling blood flower from my palm.

He slapped me to the ground with his left hand and stopped looking at me.

He said, word by word, ”get out of here! Take the Nighthawk out of the demon clan, never appear in front of me, or I will see you once and kill you once. ”

He turned away, no longer looking at me, my heart was suddenly emptied, tears blurred, watching him disappear in front of me.

At that moment, I could no longer control the poison of the magic flower in my heart. My whole body lit up a blue flame and roasted every drop of my blood.

The voice of the sky was so shocked that she rushed up and hugged me and cried out wildly. She didn't know how to save me.

A white figure came out of the crowd. It was lingxuan. He approached us and slapped me faintly with his right hand.

Lenglengleng said to Tianyin: ”Nighthawk, take her away from the demon clan! Her twin flower poison attack, do not let her think of magic string, as long as emotional, this poison will attack.

I hope you can find a way to make her forget the magic string, which is good for everyone. You go

Tianyin took a cold look at lingxuan, picked me up and flew to the outside of Hongye valley.


in Sirius mountain, Tianyin guarded me all day and night, and I finally woke up.

Tianyin held my hand, looked haggard, and was overjoyed to see me wake up.

He stroked my face and said painfully, ”moon, you finally wake up. Do you know how worried I am about you? Why don't you tell me that you've been poisoned by the twin flowers of magic string. If I had known, I would not have misunderstood you.

I will not treat you like this in liuyunfeng. Yue'er, you can rest assured that no matter what method I use, I will definitely ask the elders of the protoss to cure you, and you will never feel sorry for him again. ”

I smile, looking at the sky sound, feel extremely at ease, fortunately, he is there, with him with me.

I nodded and said softly, ”OK! You're right. I like him because I was poisoned by his twin flowers. As long as I get rid of this poison, I won't feel any pain any more... ”Tianyin was so happy that he hugged me, let me close to his chest, and said happily, ”great! Excellent! Moon, you finally come back, do you know? How long have I been waiting for you? ”

the voice of the sky was so powerful that I almost suffocated. I patted him on the shoulder and motioned him to let me go.

He blushed, rubbed his hands and apologized to me: ”sorry! Moon, I'm so happy. How do you feel now? Can I go? We're going back to the protoss now. ”

I smile and reply, ”I'm much better, OK! We're going back to the protoss now. ”

We both cleaned up, and Tianyin was worried that I couldn't bear my health and didn't rush on. We walked and stopped, from Sirius mountain towards the Protoss.

Sirius mountain, in just a few months, things have changed. Magic string and I started here and will end here.

At present, the side of Sirius mountain is still the land boundary of the demon clan. Although the magic string lets me leave, we don't want to stir up trouble.

Along the way, we tried to hide ourselves and not to provoke animal soldiers. In such a long time, we had almost left the boundary of Sirius mountain.

However, a large number of orcs from Tianlang mountain were suddenly mobilized and ran to the direction of Mojia mountain. I was very surprised. Why did the beast soldiers go back to Mojia mountain when they stayed well in the mountain?

What's going on over there at Mount moja? Tianyin also felt strange. After catching an animal soldier to ask, he knew that the magic flute had started in the valley of Warcraft.

I didn't know what method was used to open the seal of the valley of Warcraft, drive a large number of Warcraft out of the valley, and fight with magic string in the Red Leaf Valley. The situation was urgent. The garrison of Tianlang mountain had called back urgently and went to support magic string.

I was shocked when I heard that the magic flute was a member of the demon family, but why did he know how to control the Warcraft? Even if I live in the protoss for a long time, I also know that this beast is bloodthirsty and ferocious. It is the pawn of Chiyou, the ghost emperor.

As early as ten thousand years ago in the war between gods and demons, they were all slaughtered and sealed. I can't imagine that the magic flute ignored all the people in the world for their own sake.

It is no longer a matter for the warlords to use Warcraft to launch a war. If the magic string is defeated and the magic flute becomes the king of the demon clan, it is bound to use Warcraft against the Protoss.

I can't let this happen. I looked at the sky sound and asked, ”in the Red Leaf Valley, the magic string said that you colluded with the magic flute. How much do you know about the magic flute?